2nd place at a grand prix - piloted by Willy Edel
1st place at a SCG open
2nd place at a SCG open
What cards are in common from all these decks?
4x Boros Reckoner
The reckoner is back baby! Check out this article for some analysis. I was looking to retool my deck and this is totally the direction I want to go. I already have all the lands, so that is a huge plus. I don't to spend any money but Voice of Resurgence... we shall see. Let's focus on this Naya Aggro archetype:
I love the simplicity in deck building. Four ofs all over the place. However I wonder about the spell selection. How is only two rancor correct? spoiler ... it isn't. Just no way. Totally needs to be four. But what comes out?
I think the weakest creature in the deck is a toss up between Dryad Militant or Loxodon Smiter. The Militant has two things going for it, curve and metagame. The value of Militant against Reanimator cannot be ignored. That deck is everywhere right now and an early Militant sucks the value out of Grisly Salvage and Mulch. Onto the Smiter benefits as well. Counterspell sytle control decks are few and far between these days so the uncounterability just doesn't get me excited. However the second ability is nicely poised against one of this decks worst matchups.
Liliana is super popular right now ($50 and out of stock over at Card Kingdom). Let's take a look at what she does in the Naya matchup. Typically Liliana is going to come down and make the Naya player sac a creature, leaving her on one loyalty. Next turn she usually dies to an attack. And the owner is happy with that, she just removed a creature and soaked up a hit. However if you are holding the Smiter you can let her live and just keep pushing the damage in. They can either let her sit on one counter or activate the +1 mode and make each player discard. BAM! Smiter in play. I seriously doubt anyone would just let her sit their unless the knew for certain you had a Smiter in hand (so don't telegraph it).
Given all of that I am inclined to remove two Smiter's to make the room for the full set of Rancors. I'll sleve it up and get back to you. Pontificating is great but no replacement for good ole, playtesting.
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