Sunday, May 5, 2013

modern playtesting

My friend has 3 byes for GP Portland. He was going to play eggs but then it got banned. So now he's playing Scapeshift. We did some playtesting of the deck against Jund. -- Side bar: I hate when people call a deck "Jund" all that does is tell me the colors. I can build a lot of different decks in those colors.  Also it shows no creativity. -- He played Sharfman Scapeshit list from GP San Diego. I played Froehlich Jund from GP San Diego. I lost all four games. It was bad. I don't think I like modern. I had no idea how to play my deck. I need to watch some people play it.

Played some more, this time I rocked a control deck. It went 2-1 without boarding. It plays burn and counters. Look it up if you're interested. Still kinda ugh. that's all.

1 comment:

  1. I understood about 10% of this post. Maybea little less.
