Sunday, May 12, 2013

Aetherling Deck - Standard

There are two kinds of decks. "Way faster than you" and "a touch slower than you". I always play the former and it hurts me in matchups against the latter because i don't know how to think like my enemy. My doublestrike deck is donezo once standard rotates in a few months. So I'm gonna try the other flavor of deck. And i know the card i want to be playing is


I just hope it's good enough for standard. I'm going to start with Sam Black's build from the mothership. Which sounds like a riot. It plays stuff like

Plasm Capture Advent of the Wurm

So you know it's gonna be a blast to play. Once I get a feel and figure out what I like and don't I'll make some tweaks and we'll see what happens. I'll let you know how it turns out.