Thursday, May 2, 2013


So you and a friend just won some booster packs. What do you do with them? Obviously you go all Cookie Monster on that shit and rip them open,

dive straight to the rare,  and go all sad face because you just opened

Trait Doctoring

Ooops. Ok so you want something better. Here's what you do (imagine John Williams sound track)...


Crack those packs open and DON'T LOOK AT THEM. Then each of you shuffles and draws 7 cards. You are now playing a regular game of magic. Except you use a d10 to mark the turn. Start on 2. During player 1's upkeep, up the die value by 1.

That number is how much mana you have to burn (heh!) on your turn and your opponen'ts combined. So if the die says 5 during your upkeep you have 5 mana to spend in any combination of colors you like. Then during your next upkeep you empty your pool and add 6 (you don't empty your pool like normal, it carries over). You can pick the colors at the time you use the mana.

That's it everything else is just like regular magic.

Some people may point out that Wizards has a webpage where they call Pack Wars 'Mini-Master'. It is inferior, don't play it! But if you are curious, check it out here

There is also a version of PACK WARS called ... EXTREME PACK WARS. In that version you have UNLIMITED MANA!!!!1!11 But you can only cast one spell per turn and you can only activate on ability per turn. What do you do for an X spell? Obviously X = 1d6+1.

So enjoy cracking those packs and having some fun along the way.

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