Wednesday, May 15, 2013

AEtherling Playtesting - Standard

Yesterday I did some playtesting with the AEtherling deck I blogged about before. Based on interviews with players from GP Portland I decided to main deck 4 Voice of Resurgance. Now this card is not my style at all due to the price tag and the contrived ability. Hopefully the playtesting will show it is not necessary. Also the art is HOOOOORRRRIBBBLLEEEEEEE.

Voice of Resurgence

Blech! Just a disaster of a card. But hey this is standard and spike rules. Anyways I played against a typical reanimator deck. I had the game under control and got an AEtherling online. And then the next turn I tapped out for a 6 card Sphinx's Revelation. That left a window where the ling was vulnerable and my opponent pounced. Oops! Game loss. Consulting my opponent after the match we are in agreement that I probably would have won if I left mana up for the ling. Also I missed an attack for 5 with a wurm earlier in the game. Overall it was a fail fest. But this is why I'm practicing with this kind of deck. Because I suck at it.

We also played some against the Obzedat Aid combo deck.  I went 2-1. Nothing exciting from that yet because we are still working out the builds.

Overall I like how the deck is going. However I had no answer for the board when my opponent had a few creatures down. It really felt like I needed a reset button. I will playtest with:

Supreme Verdict Ætherize

and see how it goes. I also think I want to maindeck 4 Snapcaster and increase the number of charms overall. Finally I am thinking about testing with some red for

Goblin Electromancer Clan Defiance

Keep you posted.


  1. Was this different from what you were playing with me last night?

  2. i was playing the build with supreme verdict, i never saw one. i am still brewing on the red version

  3. The art complaints about Voice of Resurgence is absolutely justified btw. It's like they wanted Drew Tucker but got his Mexican non-union equivalent* instead...

    *Simpsons reference; not actual racism.
