I don't know about you but that card is off the hook. I also got a first pick Far//Away and a second pick Putrefy. The other exciting pics were, Ready // Willing, two black gatekeepers, and a green gatekeeper. I was feeling White Black Green with a dabble of blue off a guildgate for the Far. I was feeling a little anxious about going three color, but the power was there White, Black, Green.
In pack two I first picked an Urbis Protector, which is good but not great. And then the extort came. Two Kingpin's Pets and a basilica screecher. Assault griffin was the only other palyable from the pack, except for like the 5 guildgates I got to power up my gatekeepers.
My first pick in the final pack was a Selesnya Charm. I love that card. Then I got passed a Collective Blessing, sweet. My third pick was a Dreg Mangler. I was feeling pretty good, I seemed to be getting paid off in my colors. The pack rounded out with a Centaur Healer, Gatecreeper Vine, Selesnya Sentry, and an easy on the curve Tavern Swindler.
There were a few other dorks, but I mentioned all the highlights. Did I draft some cluestones? Hells yeah. Did I play them, hells no. Onto the matches.
ROUND 1: I curved out, he didn't. Easy win. I applied solid early pressure, and he stumbled a bit. I was surprised at how smooth the deck played. I figured with three colors it was going to take some doing. Maybe I just drew well. I never got my gatekeepers online but didn't need them. I think my opponent was a little to aggressive with his colors and spell costs (too many and too expensive). W 2-0 (1-0)
ROUND 2: Game one was a mulligan for me, and then keeping 6 with a lot of land. I was slow out of the gate but so was he. Eventually he got down a Wind Drake and a Deathcult Rogue. I never drew an answer for them and died a few turns later. I tried to race but this dude played two counterspells, and stopped my lifegain cold. Game two was pretty interesting. I got my two guildgates down early and had all three of my gatekeepers in hand. Coupled with a turn 5 bronzebeak he was in trouble. He managed to stabilize with a 0/5 defender and had some bouncy tricks for the moa. However eventually we got enough land where I could drop two creatures a turn. Once he ran out of the bounce the moa stuck and it was race time (he got his evasion plan online again). Then I played a back breaking
on the same turn and swung with the Moa for 8, a total life swing on the turn of 18.
We didn't have much time for game 3 so I was playing fast. It was a good start with a Dreg Mangler on turn 3. However he had some answers and also stuck a wind drake. He played the discard cipher card and got in so I lost two cards. Fortunately I was able to fuse a Far//Away the next turn. I was in solid shape from there on out. I resolved my Collective Blessing and every dork was just dominant from that point on. He did counter my Ready//Willing so the game dragged on. We went to turns and I was turn 0. However I had three dudes out and thanks to the blessing they were all huge/huge. He had two dudes and was forced to chump on my attack. His draw yielded nothing and I swung for the victory on the next turn. W 2-1 (2-0)
on the same turn and swung with the Moa for 8, a total life swing on the turn of 18.
We didn't have much time for game 3 so I was playing fast. It was a good start with a Dreg Mangler on turn 3. However he had some answers and also stuck a wind drake. He played the discard cipher card and got in so I lost two cards. Fortunately I was able to fuse a Far//Away the next turn. I was in solid shape from there on out. I resolved my Collective Blessing and every dork was just dominant from that point on. He did counter my Ready//Willing so the game dragged on. We went to turns and I was turn 0. However I had three dudes out and thanks to the blessing they were all huge/huge. He had two dudes and was forced to chump on my attack. His draw yielded nothing and I swung for the victory on the next turn. W 2-1 (2-0)
ROUND 3: He came out firing in game one. I was behind because he had the 3/1 haster. Finally I slammed some gatekeepers down without value and stabilized. But I was still low. He had some removal and it was back on. Then I caught a lucky break. He had two dudes and so did I. He swung and I double blocked his 4/4. Then he played a spell that pumped blockers +3/+1 and first stike. I was all, "Ok which one get's it?" He was all, "my dude, obviously". Then I informed him that it was only blockers. He tried to take it back. I felt like a douche but was all, "Man I'm so far behind I need everything I can get". We called the judge, his dude died. And I had control from there (he was out of cards). I dropped a Collective Blessing and it was on. I let an attack through figuring I would go low and swing back for the win. Yeah but he had bloodrush. Oops.
Game two was great. He came out early and was rocking with dual 3/1 hasters. I was taking some hits and biding my time. I dropped a gatekeeper on turn 4 with no value and that slowed him up a bit (no attacks). I was at 11. Then on turn five he was excited about his draw and attacked. Man was I glad I save my mana to fuse my Far//Away. He rolled in, I blocked, he bloodrushed, I Far//Awayed. That was pretty ugly for him. He couldn't do anything else that turn and passed. Turn 6 I dropped a Moa. And steadily dropped creatures every turn from there on out. He was in topdeck mode and I had a hand full of cards. Onto game 3.
Game three was awesome. We were both coming out slow and I was forced to drop my black gatekeepers without the activation (sad trombone). He god a unleashed Spawn of Rix Maadi. But I had a Collective Blessing and my Ready//Willing. He got in with it and I went to 14 but had three dudes in play. My plan was to drop the Blessing and then set up for a Ready//Willing blowout (the Blessing needed to be down to really maximize that lifegain off of Willing). However I never got to. On his turn he swung with the Spawn and a 4/5 dude who kills a random creature when he enters the battlefield. I blocked that guy favorably (thanks to the Collective Blessing). The he got his bloodrush on the unblocked Spawn.
And I was dead. Uggg. I thought the game was iced. I was going to gain like 15 off of the Ready//Willing. Or I could have just blocked the Spawn and he couldn't have gotten in for lethal. L 1-2 (2-1)
Dimir Guildgate
Selesnya GuildgateOrzhov Guildgate
Thespian's Stage
4x Plains, 4x Swamp, 5x Forest
Assault Griffing
2x Kingpin's Pet
Basilica Screecher
Urbis Protector
Centaur Healer (this card is a absolute beating)
Gatecreeper Vine
Selesnya Sentry
Tavern Swindler
Dreg Mangler
Selesnya Charm
Collective Blessing
Wayfaring Temple
Maze Behemoth
Maze Abomination
Saruli Gatekeepers
2x Ubul Sar Gatekeepers
2x Bronzebeak Moa
Late Cuts: Rubbleback Rhino (didn't have anything to enchant it with), Perilous Shadow, some cluestones.