Wednesday, September 18, 2013

M14 Draft-tastrophe - Match Reports

So I drafted a disaster of a deck at the Green Lake Games FNM a week ago - draft and deck here. Hopefully the matches go a little better.

Round 1: My opponent was 15 and just learned how to play a couple days ago. I applaud him for jumping in the deep end but he just wasn't up to it. In his development he is still more excited about playing a card on his turn than drawing a card on his turn. As such I had to remind him several times. That's really all you need to know. I spent most of the match teaching him rules. Which brings up an awkward thing.

Merfolk Spy
I'm still undefeated against this guy!

My opponent was not interested at all in playing in a timely fashion. I'm not saying he would take five minutes to make a decision but rather he would want to spend time side conversating about Magic cards. What do I do? Call a judge for time wasting? It was extremely annoying, but I manage to keep that all in check and was polite the whole time. W 2-0 (1-0)

Round 2: This was infuriating. My opponent was playing slivers, basically. He had beaten Jed in the previous round and was super aggravating to play against. I am a bad player, let's be clear. But this guy was making a ridiculous number of mistakes, asking for take backs, etc. He wins game one by perfectly drawing his 3 color mana base and curving out. It was still close but he got me. Game two his mana imploded and I crushed him. Game 3 was super close but I finally had him. I was at 16 and he was a 7. I was able to play a spell and get in for 3 reducing him to 4. Then I would finish him off on my turn with a burn spell. I figured I was safe to leave no blockers back because I was at 16, I was wrong. He dropped the +2/+0 sliver and swung for exactly 16. Total disaster from me. If I had just been less aggressive I could have ground out the win with my X burn spell. L 1-2 (1-1)

ok we're heading into the third and final round. This is the big time. I really need a win here. Not because I put my self worth on the outcome, but rather because I was super tilted after throwing away that previous game to an obviously inferior player.

Round 3: Game one was pretty uneventful. We were racing. 18-18, 16-15, 10-13, 8-5. And then Liturgy of Blood let me play two spells on one turn and punch through for the win. That card is good!

Liturgy of Blood

Game two was a disaster. He got a dork enchanted with a Mark of the Vampire and then equipped with a Fireshrieker.

Mark of the Vampire Fireshrieker

Sadly I had no removal in hand. So I made a pretty simple game plan. Draw removal. I didn't I lost. Maybe I should have come up with a new game plan, but I'm not really sure what to do against a 4/4, doublestrike, lifelinker. I really don't think I missed something. He was at 41 when that game ended btw.

Game three. For all the marbles, let's see what happens. ARE YOUFREKING SERIOUAL HE GOT THOSE TWO DUDES DOWN AGAIN, THIS IS GOING TO BE....

Liturgy of Blood

So it is a sorcery and my opponent did get a swing in with his nasty. But I had a Corpse Hauler online so I chumped and sacced before damage. Then removaled his monster. And that was enough to put him too far behind. Game and Match. W 2-1 (2-1)

Recap: Well I managed to go 2-1 due largely in part to poor play from my opponents. I think I drafted poorly and played well, except for the game I punted in round 2 that lost it for me. Must get better. But I just don't have the time to practice.

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