Wednesday, June 12, 2013

PTQ Playtesting

Well I like what my deck does. However I have supply issues with the Voices (I've only cracked two so that's all I've got), ditto for the Reckoners. So there is a gaping hole in the middle of my curve. What do I want to put there?

Ruric Thar, the Unbowed

I mean that card is the tits. But something tells me it was broken at 5 so they upped to "unplayable" at 6. So I'm still adrift. Looking through the Edel list I've got a couple ideas.

Domri Rade Restoration Angel

Both are a little high on the curve. But I really like what they do. Currently I'm looking at 10 spells, so that's a lot of whiffs for Domri. I would probably have to reduce that, which only exacerbates the GAPING HOLE IN MY CURVE. However I do love what the Angel does. There are shenanigans with evolve triggers on Experiment One, and the ability to blank a targeted removal spell. Not to mention that I love me some end of turn flash creatures. Edel only sketches out 3 of them and I don't think my mana, or my plan for that matter, can handle four of them.

Fortunately I have a line on 4 of them so access isn't a problem. I think I will try 3 main and then put a Flinthoof Boar in the deck for curve considerations.

side note: Restoration Angel is the most expensive card I could be playing that I'm not playing, so clearly it is correct, right? Like those presedential election options contracts, follow the money.

On another side note, Rancor just isn't doing it for me. I haven't tested against aggro at all but right now it just feels like a waste. I can't put my finger on it. I could bring them out to make room for the Domris, and cut a few other spells for more Flinthoofs. Whatever, I've got 2 days to figure this out.

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