Thursday, June 27, 2013

Exciting New Format - Go Fish Draft

Stop the presses!

I just heard about a sweet new draft format. Everyone opens the first pack as normal. Then player 1 drafts a card and reveals it to the room. At which point everyone who has a copy of that card in their pack has to give it to player 1. And so on with player 2 going next. The next pack is the same but starting with player 8 and going reverse order.  Once you have drafted all the cards (yes if your pack is empty you get skipped), you build with normal limited rules (which means you can play as many of any card you want).

I just love the tension:

  • Why would I start with my rare, no one else is going to pick it?
  • Always first pick a common right? I mean it's your best chance to pickup extra cards.
  • But what if someone else has my awesome rare? I've got to pick it first.
  • Guildgates, oh man!

Disclaimer: There is open discussion as to whether this works with small sets or if you even need to draft all 3 packs. Two may be sufficient.


  1. Hooooooo man, that sounds fun.

  2. the version i saw didn't involve passing, which is weird because you only see 3 packs so then at a maximum you have 14*3 possible different card names to go in the deck.
