Monday, June 24, 2013

5th Grade - Trading

Back in the day trading was awesome. First of all no one cared about the condition of the card. We all played with them on asphalt so who cares. Second holographic or holo or foil or premium or whatever you want to call it didn't exist. So no people trying to be all "but I think it's worth more because blah blah blah".  Finally we had no idea what the rarities were. I guess you could look up the prices in the duelist or something but, who has time for that. Any ways I was in possession of a Demonic Hordes:

Demonic Hordes

But everyone knew that Keldon Warlord was awesome:

Keldon Warlord

Finally I found someone who didn't love Keldon Warlord and I made the trade in an instant. Why do I remember this trade, I have no idea. But for some reason it was burned into my mind.

Today's card kingdom prices:

Keldon Warlord - 17 cents (it goes up to 35 cents if in good condition, but let's be serious)
Demonic Hordes - 62 cents. Guess I got robbed.

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