Thursday, July 25, 2013

Not just the art was shitty back in the day.

I just started listening to the drive to work podcast episode 42 (aka Mirage part II). He starts off by naming the countries at war in the plot. And they have to be seen to believe.

The story concerns three of the most powerful nations of Jamuraa (a tropical continent modeled after Africa) — the militaristic kingdom of the Zhalfirins, the religious state of Femeref, and the trading province of the Suq'Ata empire.

bwraaaa aha ha ha haha. so dumb.

"Jamuraa"? Really, that second "a" is critical. Don't even get me started on "Femeref", they could at least have made it a palindrome. The best of the bunch is "Zhalfirins". I don't know about you, but nothing says dartboard like "Zh".

Rosewater and his Tumblr love to talk about getting squirrels back into the game. I guess that would be kinda cool, but not if they are running rampant over the continent of Mhzripnis.


  1. This hurts because I loved Mirage. I even tried to build a phasing deck!

    Spoiler alert: it sucked.


  2. I don't know what to say. I was listening to the podcast and couldn't control my laughter. Had to blog it, had to.
