ROUND 1: We start pretty simple and slowly from both sides. Eventually he gets a stab wound out on my Clinging Anemones.
I then proceeded to drop a creature every turn for the remainder of the game. That stab wound got me all the way down to six but I was able to finish him off in time. Other spells of note from him were a Launch Party, which he fueled off of a knight token from that +2/+2 vigilance enchantment. And an angelic edit. Basically he was removal city but my creatures way outclassed him, especially when I got my evolve on.
Game two was awful. I led with a Frilled Oculus on turn two, he responded on turn three with a Stab Wound.
It turns out a craw wurm is a pretty big beat. I am forced to take the hit the next turn and drop to 14. The game only gets worse for me. He drops two Dimir Keyrune
While all I do is play out some dudes. Fortunately I have a Saruli Gatekeeper to gain some life back. But I have no way to shut down his unblockable engine. I pour on the gas but I just can't get there.
Game two I'm on the play and it wasn't even close. I am able to get my evolve train on early and produce a solid board of dudes culminating in a turn six Prime Speaker drawing me six cards. He sorta stumbled and never really got anything going. My curve out pressure was too much.
Going into game three I felt awesome. My hand was sweet. Three lands and a one through four drop. Insta keep. Everything started out as planned. Then on turn five he dropped the Spawn again, followed by a turn six Way of the Thief.
So I was faced with a three turn clock. I had three outs in my deck and drew none of them. Game and Match loss. L 1-2 (3-1)
I never got a removal spell in the entire last match. That sucked balls. He totally went all in on that enchantment and I couldn't deal with it. Balls to me. 3-1 again.
Game two was awful. I led with a Frilled Oculus on turn two, he responded on turn three with a Stab Wound.
He never attacked me that game and he never blocked my oculus. I didn't draw a way to deal with it until it was too late (Punishing the Enemy deals 3 damage to you and I was at 5, double awkward). Anyways I feel like I must have missed something here. I mean it takes 10 turns for Stab Wound to kill so the game went 13 turns. I really should be able to kill by then. I must have missed something.
Game three started the same but this time the Stab Wound hit a Simic Fluxmage with a counter.
awkward for you!
On my next turn I moved the counter and the Fluxmage died. Still not great for me, but certainly better than before. Anyways the board built up into a stall. I didn't get my evolve engine on and both of us were just chilling. Then I got to drop a Nimbus Swimmer with X=4, that evasion was enough for me to sail to the victory. W 2-1 (1-0)
So far I was a little worried, maybe my deck was kinda shitty and I just got lucky against a poor opponent.
ROUND 2: This dude came out of the gate with guns a blazin'. Turn two Riot Piker into turn three Phytoburst, bam I'm at 13.
Then he stalled out at three lands. Super shitty for him. I meanwhile kept playing out creatures and ate his Pike a couple turns later. He had a trick to keep it alive another turn. Then on turn six I rocked a Prime Speaker producing a 4/4 and drawing me 4 cards. My opponent finally got out from under his land troubles but I had him on the board and with my new cards I was able to play two spells each turn to his one.
Game two was off the shit.The early turns were pretty simple and he telegraphed his plans. I played Frilled Oculus, He dropped a mossdog. They traded, and he scavenged it onto his Cobblebrute. So now I was staring down an 8/5. But that was just how I drew it up because I had my Krasis Incubation in hand. I incubated his 8/5 and the proceeded to drop some dudes. He was on the back foot and dropped that nutso 7/5 mana doubler guy:
The bad news for him was that I had four creatures in hand and one was a Voidwielder. So I dropped two creatures and then Voidwielded the Ancient back into his hand. He had nothing to do so he dropped the Ancient again on the next turn. Then on my turn I played that fourth creature which I hadn't named earlier.
more awkward!
My Nimbus Swimmer was a 12/12 and he was at 14. I was at 20. He swung in for a bunch and I just chumped, even still he had a trample tick and I went to 9. But he was now tapped out and had no action on the board, my flyer was going to get in. And again, thanks to the Ancient I had enough mana to bounce my incubation, play it on my swimmer, and bounce it again. Giving me a 14/14 flyer FTW! W 2-0 (2-0)
Ok so maybe the deck was ok. Fortunately that opponent was super transparent. So I could easily plan for what he was going to do. Let's see how it goes in round 3.
ROUND 3: This round was stupid. My opponent had trouble with her mana in both games and lost without putting up any fight. She rocked a three color deck with the devil's manabase. The only real question is how did she start 2-0. W 2-0 (3-0)
ROUND 4: I kept a hand with no play until turn four. But with good mana. Probably a mistake. My opponent was on the play. Fortunately he didn't do anything early and my four drop was the first thing to happen. He responded with an unleashed Spawn of Rix Maadi
It turns out a craw wurm is a pretty big beat. I am forced to take the hit the next turn and drop to 14. The game only gets worse for me. He drops two Dimir Keyrune
While all I do is play out some dudes. Fortunately I have a Saruli Gatekeeper to gain some life back. But I have no way to shut down his unblockable engine. I pour on the gas but I just can't get there.
Game two I'm on the play and it wasn't even close. I am able to get my evolve train on early and produce a solid board of dudes culminating in a turn six Prime Speaker drawing me six cards. He sorta stumbled and never really got anything going. My curve out pressure was too much.
Going into game three I felt awesome. My hand was sweet. Three lands and a one through four drop. Insta keep. Everything started out as planned. Then on turn five he dropped the Spawn again, followed by a turn six Way of the Thief.
So I was faced with a three turn clock. I had three outs in my deck and drew none of them. Game and Match loss. L 1-2 (3-1)
I never got a removal spell in the entire last match. That sucked balls. He totally went all in on that enchantment and I couldn't deal with it. Balls to me. 3-1 again.
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