Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hearthstone Arena Deck

Hello again. Here's a decklist from a recent arena run. I am hiding the name of the pilot to protect the innocent (spoiler: it wasn't me). What do you think? Highlight inbetween (is that even a real word, I mean we say it all the time but typing it was super awkward) the arrows at the bottom to see how it went.

---> 5-3 <---

1 comment:

  1. SEVEN 4/4s for 5? (shutup, i'm counting the 4/6 taunters)

    i've been on a terrible cooler recently, not making it over 3 wins in about 5 runs, but this deck looks like a hot mess.

    i love auctioneer in a druid shell, it makes for insane plays like t5 auctioneer, innervate, power of the wild/wrath, draw 2

    3x dragonling makes me nervous but at 8 mana if you can soul of the forest it could be pretty sweet i guess.

    why so many dragonlings and nightblades?
