Wednesday, August 7, 2013

M14 - Draft #1

I had three M14 packs burning a hole in my virtual wallet so I jumped into a Swiss draft in the wide beta. Just in case, I also pre-booted v3 to the log screen so that I could get right back in if anything went awry with the software.

This is my unsurprised face.
As anticipated, the beta client crashes, but just after the draft portion ends, so I have some time to get into v3 for deckbuilding.

The recorder also seems to be defaulted to off in the beta, so there is no blow by blow for the draft. Next time I decide to try to use the new interface, this won't be an issue (unless there is a new version that resets to the default state.)

Below is the deck I cobbled together:

It doesn't look too bad from here, right?
I ended up trying to go for a quick tempo game, with two 5/3s at four mana, plus some decent fliers and cheap Goblin Pikers. 

This plan did not ever come together through three rounds. I went 0-3 and I don't really want to go into too much detail. I think it was a bad deck and I played even worse. Some amusing anecdotes are included below.
  • I faced down a 12/12 Voracious Wurm
  • A Capashen Knight and a Giant Spider were holding off my entire team of about 6 terrible creatures
  • I lost a game in the loser's final that featured FOUR Dragon's Eggs in play at the same time.


  1. ugg, sometimes that is how it goes

  2. and now BWong tells me that he likes Blue-red as a combo in M14.

  3. to be fair Bwong is way better than us
