Wednesday, August 14, 2013

M14 Draft #1 - Match Report

Last time on Pete's first M14 draft: Pete drafted the most ridiculous deck he has ever drafted.

Round 1: My opponent had never drafted before and has only been playing for two months. He was playing WG and mostly acceptable things. There were a few clunkers. While he is getting out some early dudes and pushing in some extra damage with giant growth I manage to land a Bogbrew Witch. The game was well and truly over. We continue for a bit. Due to the sacrificing nature of my deck I have to do a bunch of "while that is on the stack" and "at the end of your turn". I hated that but I'm not gonna play sub optimally. Also we went through the basics of how combat works and when you can cast spells during combat. It was fun match but not really competitive. To finish game one he swung to take me to six. Then on my turn I Corrupted him and swung for the kill. He was all, "Man I thought I had you there, that was pretty close, good thing you drew that corrupt". I decided it was wise not to show him the other corrupt that was in my hand.

Game two was more of the same. I got the Dark Prophecy online but the the highlight was this board:

That's a Nightmare for me in case you can't tell. What's up with the color palettes being so dark now a days.
 W 2-0 (1-0)

Round 2: I played against a guy I've played against previously. It was that game where he played the 7/5 gruul dude where all mana gets doubled -- to which I played two creatures and then Voidwielder to bounce his guy. This time he is rocking more of the same. Some quick RG stuff, over committing with enchantments and stuff, etc.

I kept a four lander with Newt, Hauler, and Shade. My opponent gets off to a quick start but the Newt and Hauler for Newt really gummed up the ground. He drops a deadly recluse and suits it up with a that +3/+0 first strike enchantment. Fortunately I have double Wring Flesh. He is now down to one card. I am flooding hard and hit my Shade on turn 5. Turns out at 5/5 or bigger flyer races pretty hard. Game win.

Game two was pretty easy. I rock a turn 1 Newt, into a turn two Bubling Cauldron. Turns out that is brutal. My opponent floods out this game and I am able to removal everything he does while playing a steady stream of creatures. Especially thanks to Haulering for Hauler. W 2-0 (2-0)

The final scores were 14-dead and 19-dead. Not really close. Going into the final round I had some time to kill. I decided it would not be sporting to watch the other semi-final. But it was obvious that one guy was a huge douche. We talking all the good stuff. Card flicking, confusing play style, try to play so fast your opponent can't tell what is going on, not being friendly, etc. All of that I noticed in like 5 seconds. As I said a huge douche. I can't decide if I want him to lose because he is a douche, or if I want him to win so I can utterly obliterate him.

Round 3: The douchebag sits down across from me. [Side bar: This guy was not as shitty as that BJ guy who actively lied to the judge a little while ago. I would put him at about as douchey as Jeremy Crowley].  Anywhoo I keep a two lander, with Newt, Cauldron, and Altar's Reap. I figure if I don't draw out of it I can just Reap and be fine. On turn three I miss the land but get a Child of Night. I figure I can wait another turn on the Reap and drop the Child. Turn 4 no mana, turn 5 no mana. I had a plan to Reap and couldn't pull the trigger. Finally on turn 7 I get the land, but it was too late. I was just on the back foot and couldn't dig out. The good news is that it took him another like five or six turns to kill me. If your opponent gets stuck on two and you can't kill him by turn 10, you suck. That made me super happy. I figured I wouldn't get screwed and make a major play mistake again. Also the look on his face was super smug, like "man I am so good".

Game two my opening hand was a Newt, Cauldron, Child of Night, and some lands. Good shuffling. Anyways, I manage to play a creature out every turn until I hit my corrupt on six. Which given the racing we were doing was lethal.

Game three started the same way, Newt and Cauldron. I am a shuffling king!  Then on turn three I stick the Dark Prophecy and it was completely over. I drew a million extra cards while trading creatures every way I could. The highlight of the game was when he suited up his Blur Sliver with a Fireshrieker. Then he put that stupid +4/+4 illusion enchantment on it. It was great, I was over the moon. Who keeps their enchantments in the deck against a mono black deck? He must love getting two for oned. So I block with my Child of Night. He says, "ok it dies on first strike damage." I'm like, "Not a chance. I don't pass priority." I Wring Fleshed his dude. That causes the enchantment to hit the bin and the creature is now -1/1. It dies to my child of night. ** Sad Trombone **. Then he plays Jace's Mindseeker and whiffs, two creatures and three lands (which reminds me: in game one he played the Mindseeker hitting four lands and a Corrupt, lol). Anyways I keep drawing cards and he is eventually down to no cards while I'm at 6 with three dudes in play. W 2-1 (3-0)


Well that draft was sweet. I got some bad luck but more importantly misplayed to throw away a game. Outside of that nothing was ever competitive. Patton or someone said, "the battle is decided before it begins." I'm pretty sure if people are drafting optimally you shouldn't get this deck. Case in point a conversation I had with the dude to my right in the draft.

Him: Man I passed the Nightmare and then I passed the Corrupt and was like, "whoa that guy is going to have a sick black deck."

Obviously the cards kept coming and he kept passing. Usually if you are halfway through the first pack and think the dude to your left is gonna have a sweet deck, you should just take that sweet deck, minus a few cards depending on how long it took you to take the hint.

I will probably never have a draft deck this good again in my life. I won 6 packs. Michael and I will opened them up pack wars style. Three of the rares were:

Garruk, Caller of Beasts Liliana of the Dark Realms Ajani, Caller of the Pride

man was I happy I beat that douche.


  1. sorry if you have already read this. i forgot to edit it before it went live. should be much more readable now.

  2. That was a great recap and what a deck! That's the funny thing about drafting when someone just gets an unstoppable deck.

    I prefer the Sun Tzu quote: "A victorious army first achieves victory and then seeks battle. A defeated army fights in hope of winning"
