Sunday, August 25, 2013

Let's Win a PTQ

Gentlemen, the time has come. Let's win some plane tickets.

Pro Tour Born of the Gods in Valencia
Season runs August 17 – December 1, 2013
Schedules and Information

Bent and I have had some limited (groan) success. I think he has 3 top  8s but i'm sure will correct me in the comments if I am wrong. Anywhoo I came close once, thought I was in but had to play because I was in 9th on breakers and lost the last round.

The bottom line is we can do it. We can make some good runs. But we need to do a little planning and preparation. The plan as I see it is simple.

  1. Break the sealed format
  2. Tighten up our play
If we do those two things we will get a top 8 this season. No doubt about it. As far as the top 8 goes well usually we spent so much time on sealed we didn't learn how to draft. Not to mention draft is a lot harder to practice than sealed. So I've divided this post into two sections with a game plan for each.


I suggest we do the following. Everyone pick up a box of Theros (except Brent is isolated in Cville so perhaps he should just grind MODO 8-4s, from that he can easily screen cap up packs to build sealeds from). Then every chance you get you crack 6 and build a sealed pool. It is critical to record your boosters so we can create additional pseudo-pools later on. I believe Brent will volunteer to make up the spreadsheet. I myself went through my rares today and amassed a pile to sell to Card Kingdom to finance my box (heh!).  For playing the pools find someone local to test with, or barring that, you can punch the deck up on OCTGN and duel remotely. I will do the leg work and figure out how long you actually have to build your pool (in my mind it is like 30 min, but I will double check). As we do this we will learn the format and start to piece together how to build properly.


I think it has to be MODO 8-4s. You can learn a lot from watching the pro draft videos over at channel fireball but nothing is a replacement for practice. Usually for draft the plan is to know what decks are possible and try to assemble one of them. We really need to flesh out the archetypes. Once we know what to draft then the skill transitions to knowing when those guys are available. Perhaps a little divide and conquer here. I think Brent is best suited to working the MODO and Stefan might be down on that as well.

Other stuff

We gotta look up the schedules and know what's what. We should probably have a few blog posts reviewing sealed combos to look for, a full rundown of combat tricks and how valid they are, certainly discussions about: speed of format, 2 color + splash, or 3 color, etc.

get pumped


Me, Stefan, Jed, Kaz, Michael, Brent, Jonathan. Can anyone think of someone else. Get them online!


  1. since you asked, it is two top 8s and a ninth for me in six events. (constructed doesn't count)

  2. So this is telling standard to kiss off and die, am I reading that correctly?

    1. no. i've got like 30/40 on the shock lands. we are still playing standard til they rotate. but we are just going to embrace limited for a few months.

      @brent: jed don't read this. standard can eat shit and die. jed is slowly coming to understand. our plan is going well

  3. remember when booster boxes cost $80?

    I just looked up my orders with SCG: Dissension was 75, Time Spiral was 80 (starter packs), Future Sight was 80, then zendikar was 100.

    Theros is 120 on SCG, 105 on CK

    MSRP hasn't changed, so is this just a function of popularity?

  4. So CK is selling packs for $2.91+tax if you buy in bulk or $2.99 if you buy individually. I'm tempted not to buy the box but rather just a half box and eat the $1.50 loss.
