Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hour of Devastation Prerelease: 7-8-17

Napoleon once said that "God fights on the side with the heaviest artillery". This remains true in sealed, where the surest path to victory is opening powerhouse cards that are well supported by role-players.

Well I certainly managed to put those together today!

The Thunder

The Scorpion God Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons Archfiend of Ifnir Obelisk Spider Razaketh, the Foulblooded Rhonas's Last Stand

I mean, that's just a absurd power level of cards concentrated in the same two colors. The Scorpion God is eminently splashable too. But we've all fallen prey to falling in love with powerful rares that don't have the foot soldiers to back them up if you don't draw your bombs.

Roll call!

Ambuscadex2 Destined // Leadx2
Accursed Horde Tenacious Hunter Sidewinder Naga

To me I had only one big question: do I splash for the Scorpion God or do I stay in color (and ramp) to the Razaketh? Fortunately I made the right call and went for Scorpion. Not only did I have a bunch of mana-fixing deserts (that blend well with the Naga Vitalists and the Sidewinder Naga) but it lowered the overall pressure on the curve. It felt weird only have 11 basic lands but this is about as painless as a splash can possibly get

(not pictured: Obelisk Spider)

Yeah, this baby went 3-0. The first round I felt bad because I literally drew Scorpion God every single game, even the bonus game we played for funsies after I 2-0'd him in 15 minutes. Jon's deck was a bit of a mess, he splashed blue for Locust God (understandable) but then threw in some mediocre blue cards to turn it into more of a 1/3 1/3 1/3 Grixis deck for insufficient reason.

Round two was a little more of a fight. Game one Manuel ate manascrew while I happily curved out and killed him. Game two I had to mull to six but had a decent hand, good mana to my Archfiend of Ifnir. My opponent is just cycling like you wouldn't believe: cycled five cards in the first five turns. Then drops this guy.

The Scarab God

Holy crap, you bring them back as 4/4 zombies WITH all the creature abilities? For four mana? And his graveyard is stocked with creatures that he cycled away? AND you get to scry and drain? Yeah, I lost that one.

Game three see-sawed back and forth but this time I got *my* god with his good buddy, Haptara. Scorpio throws a counter, Haptara makes a snake: two great tastes that taste great together!

The third round was me pulling Destined to Lead over and over again. Why yes, I'll use a trick to win combat and then use ANOTHER trick to force an ugly combat for you. That card is very good. 

I went 3-0 (dropping only one game) and emerging victorious against both of the 'spell slingers'. This deck was gas. But, perhaps unsurprisingly for me, I'm looking forward to most in HoD are the deserts. They were sneaky powerful. The Sidewinder Naga was no joke with a desert in play, and the +3/+3 desert did real work as well. While I'm not sure if there is going to be a 'desert' deck, I think the synergies are real and it's going to be interesting judging when to take a basic land instead of a card. Hopefully this can be like KTK and weighing picking lands vs. playables.


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