Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What's the Pick

We've got a lovely trio for you today! Let's go!

 Fromt he Paladin collection we have three great cards.  we're about halfway through the draft.

 From the "least bad" pile

We finish off today with a choice of legends. That's pre patch on the Pagel btw.


1 comment:

  1. consecrate - we already know that 5 truesilvers is too many

    mana wraith - i hate it the least, but i could see taking the murloc if your goal is to go real aggro.

    ysera? - she has big butt, which is what im looking for, always draws you a card (i think they are all sweet if slightly situational). noz is just a pain in the ass because i like to take my time sometimes. and pagle is just not what i want to be doing.
