Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hearthstone Arena Walkthrough: Shaman - game 3

 We're up against a druid so there isn't any upside from the ooze. The rest of the guys I like and I think we should be able to make a good start.

 We draw a giant and and ooze
  and drop and ooze for turn 2
 mad bomber from the villain
 we draw a spell breaker so we decide to drop an ooze and trade. we could choose to bolt his dude and get in for 3

 he drops his coin and
 uses his keeper of the grove to wipe my board

 I don't have any amazing options on 4. Totem + Totem, meh. Spellbreaker is a waste. That's about it. So I roll with totem and hit a spell power guy. Which makes the lightning bolt able to kill his dude. I dislike wasting mana but I think it's the best play.

 uh-oh, he's prepping for something big
 this turn all he can do is drop a murloc, i'm worried about what comes next.
OOOOOHHHHH, Fire Elemental, that will come in handy next turn. But what about this turn? We're not under pressure and can't afford most of the stuff in our hand. I elected to drop a totem and then play the Flametounge totem in the middle.

 He trades away for my taunter. And then spends 3 mana on claw + ability so he can takeout my 0/3.
 No targets for my Fire Elemental and I want to spend all the mana so we might as well Cash in the rocketeer. That Hex is pretty sweet. Between that and the Elemental and the Giant I'm feeling good.
 A legit response from him. Two cards and a bonus dude. He wound up getting the haste guy and takes out my 5/2
 And we draw a rockbiter weapon. I want to crush his board, but I also want to play that Giant. Hmmmmm

 Looks like I decided to play elemental and rockbiter to take out his 3/5.
 He comes back with a Priestess which AntiGrav gives a whopping rating of "Usually Bad"
 And there it is, my favorite dude. Double Strike Time. But in Hearthstone Double strike is even better!
 At the moment however we need to develop the board, awesomeness must wait. Drop the Giant and trade with the Priestess.
 Groan, what a buzzkill.
 And innervate .. uh oh
And then he blows it - just straight game loss right here. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 gold coins. He drops a buff on the 8/8. That's a 3 for 1 sitting there.
What a disaster for him. I've got Hex and Spellbreaker, card advantage city.SOAPBOX: don't buff your dudes when they have summoning sickness. You are just asking to be blown out. It's like playing an aura (bestow shut up). In this case here I would have used something on the protector even if it wasn't buffed. Here he's now dropped 3 creatures on the board and gotten nothing to show for it. Gross END SOAPBOX.

 I decided to turn in my Hex and drop the wolfrider. Thus wiping his board and leaving him at 1 card. Pseudo card advantage scoreboard: Pete 4.5 to 1. Gross.
 Ooff another Protector. And he druids up an takes out my 3/1, whatever will I do
 Time to play out my whole hand.
 I produce two taunters and can bring him down to 10. Sweet!
 He responds by bringing himself back up to 19, but he can't handle my taunters.
So I windfury him to death with the Sea Giant.

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