Monday, February 10, 2014

Hearthstone Arena: What's the Pick

Welcome back everyone to another edition of What's the Pick? As always highlight below to see my opinion (I know it's not mobile friendly, but whatever).

We start off with a gross one.
 I went for the 1 drop because it is the least bad. Maybe the Mana wraith is a better call

This is a no brainier right?

obviously argent 

just gross
i went card draw

Finally we get to a real pick
i went with dude+weapon because best potential for card advantage and haste

Finally the real deal.
I went fire elemental because i love that card, but maybe i over value it.


  1. 1) Mana Wraith. On t2 on the play, it really slows your opponent down, often a whole turn. If you have tons of 2 drops (like I usually do), then 2 followed up by another 2 isnt bad and then you can probably trade your wraith for their first play to get back on curve. I think Secret Keeper is terribad, even if I was a paladin, where I play the most secrets. At least the wraith has 2 power.

    2) Argent Commander. I love a good defender, but I want to hit two guys with the buff. In mage I find I lack for creatures, making things like defender and cult master worse.

    3) Arcane Intellect. (I have never played this card) Mirror entity is too easy to play around. I love to give my opponents a novice engineer with no battlecry. Mirror Image can do work but is certainly situational. Please don't play divination t3.

    4) Arathi Weaponsmith. I love tazdingo too, but give me a 3 for 1 please.

    5) Hex. Sometimes I need some hard removal. You're already doing OK for big drops. (shaman is my worst class now that I had a good hunter run)

  2. i am interested in making mana wraith work. i think one awkward hand with it scared me off.

    oh god, turn 3 arcane intellect is like the best thing ever...when my opponent does it

    hmmm. shaman is best for me and stache. i guess this game really does a good job of emphasizing play style

  3. don't get me wrong, 2/2 is terrible, but 1/2 is so much worse.

    i need you to teach me how to play Shaman. I will return the favor for Rogue.

    I'm thinking full draft recap then turn by turn play-by-play of one or two interesting games.

    1. love it. this week has been swamped with no hearth time. i'm three days into a run and sitting at 5-2. busy all weekend too, maybe monday.
