Friday, February 28, 2014

Hearthstone Arena Walkthrough: Shaman - game 1

All right we've got our deck, it's time to battle! I haven't tried recording matches before so we'll see how it goes.

 Mulligan decision time. We're matched up against a priest. The Oozes are just 3/2 for 2 and the only time I want that is early, so I'm keeping them. The windspeaker is a finisher so it's out. The Feral Spirit is just fine especially because I'm on the coin. Basically in the shaman the coin is what you use to mitigate the overload.

I have now realized that I should take a screenshot at the start of each of my turns.

Turn 1 we draw a venture co and have a decision. Do we pass or power out an ooze a totem or a flametonge totem. Of those options I only consider Pass and Ooze. I elected for ooze.

Priest responds with mad bomber and I draw a Sea Giant. Now we have the same choices as last time.

I elected for Ooze and a swing at his face, knowing that he will trade the Bomber for an Ooze.

He dropped a Golem and I drew a Bloodlust. Time to pour on the gas and drop my spirits. They protect the Ooze and don't die to the Golem.  Again I go to the face (possibly a mistake)

He removals my  ooze, lays into a wolf and heals his golem. So far I'm feeling good.

 I draw a card draw totem and am only on 2 mana due to my overload. My options are flametounge or random. I opt for the flame tounge. And bash his face for 4, letting him trade with my wolf.

 He drops a razorfen Hunter and heals. That's some great news for me, he really isn't playing anything strong. he makes the trade passes.

I draw a ragin worgen and have 5 mana. I can play: Venture Co, Sea Giant, Bloodlust, Worgen + totem, Totem + totem. I opted for Worgen and totem, playing in threat order. I could feel his priest kill big creature power spell coming. Then I decide to go to his face with my taunt wolf (most likely an error).

Some attacks go down and he drops an Argent Commander, that's a good card. On my turn it comes back and I draw my sweeper. I'm on 6 and have options: Venture Co, Sea Giant, Bloodlust, Card draw totem + totem, or sweeper his commander. My opponent is on 12 if I bloodlust I only get him down to 4. I elected to let the commander live and play my card draw dude. Looking back that must have been wrong. Probably should a played the giant or taken out his commander.

He kills my Totem with the commander and also takes out my flametounge totem (I think it was a spell). I'm on 7 mana and elected to drop and Ooze and a venture co. I have to admit I was feeling pretty good. Still tons of gas in my hand, sweeper, silencer, finisher, 8/8. I got this.

BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM!. My board is wrecked, he's got a taunter out, and an 8/8 of his own. What to do? What to do? I've got 8 mana. There are a lot of options, but I can't trade the venture co b/c of taunt. If I silence the taunt then I'm only on 1, this turn is super awkward.

  • Giant for 8
  • Bloodlust and Storm (or totem)
  • Silence the Taunt hit for 7
  • Ooze + board sweep, and kill the taunter?
  • Sweeper + totem + attack taunter + pass??

apparently I did the last one. I think I needed more than 90 seconds on this turn.

Let's see how bad he punishes me? He plays 3 shitty creatures and bashes my face for 8.

So here I am with 7 manas. Ad finally a way to ditch the venture co. I drop the giant for 7, then trade away my venture co. Funny because trading first means the giant costs 6. But whatever. He's only got one card. I'll have a huge dude and still my bloodlust and silence. I got this.

When I get the ball back he's wiped my board and gained life up to 14. But I got a full grip and he's on 1 card. I got this. I'm glad I played the card advantage battle and now I can close it out.  I'd enumerate my options but this post is already pretty long.

Apparently I decided that not spending 4 of my mana was a good idea. But whatever, next turn will be sweet.

He drops a priest and that sweet 6/6 dude. And crushes my board.

Ok here we go!

And I have no more pictures. I'm not sure why I stopped hitting screenshot. But basically on his turn he wiped my board and played another sweet dude. And I lost. From this screen shot I'm in trouble but not dead. Sorry for forgetting to take pictures. I'm new at this, it will get better.

oh and google gifs it:

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