Friday, February 28, 2014

Hearthstone Arena Walkthrough: Shaman - game 2

Time for game 2. You should be familiar with this deck and what is going on by now. But if you need a refresher check out the draft here, and game 1 here.

 No coin this time. We're up against a paladin. Only the spirit is keepable and I really dislike mulling everything.

Fortunately I drew a dude and had a 2 drop.

turn 3 I drop the wolves. He had a loot horder I killed with my 2 drop.

T3 he coins out a Yet, uggg.

 I draw a lightning bolt. I have 2 mana so I decide to drop my axe. And then I get in for 6. I have two taunters, why would I attack his minions?

My opponent decides to go all in on the yeti and take out a wolf.

Drop a squire and pass. I draw an ooze use my rockbiter weapon and take out his yeti. With the final 3 mana I stomp a totem.

He responds with a Dwarf, powers up his squire, and takes out my wolf and totem.

Ok so I've got 6 mana, no good silence targets, I'm hanging onto the Ooze for a Truesilver. Pretty much the only option is Fire Elemental. So I headbutt the dwarf, trade my dork for it...

 Fire Elemental his 2/2 and say go. That felt good.

He makes 2 three drops and forgets in for 1. My turn 6 crushed his turn 6.

So We've got 7 mana, what to do? WINDSPEAKER THE SHIT OUT OF THAT FIRE ELEMENTAL AND GET IN THERE FOR 12!!!! 2 more from the axe and our villain is down to 6. oof.

He's got 7 mana and plays out a worgen and a defender and takes out my elemental.

Here's the board I have for turn 8. Do you see it?



  1. talk to me about mulling everything.

    i get that the unknown is scary, but keeping a known bad card can't be better than rolling the dice, right?

  2. i think we are on the same page. i am cool playing spirit on 3 if I must. ideally i really want a 2 so if i toss him back i get another pull for a 2, but then i could just get totally hosed hence my fear.

    if i don't have a 2 feral spirit is about the best 3 i can drop - overload not withstanding
