Round 1: I was paired against a GW deck. But not like mine at all. He is rocking some Call of the Conclave main deck which made it no surprise when he dropped a Trostani.
But I get ahead of myself. He drops a Fleecemane Lion on turn 2. And then suits it up with the main deck Unflinching Courage...on turn 3. Ugg
Even still I wasn't dead. There was a window for me to draw Selesnya Charm and take out the Fleecemane Lion. Sadly he won the race and got the monstrous mana online. I was still doing ok at one point I had two Advent Wurms and a 6/6 Voice token, and a couple 5/5 experiment ones. But eventually he got the Trostani engine online. I had no answer and I lost about 15 turns later...because I conceded...because I was losing 1 to 66. I had stabilized but he had the inevitability.
Game 2. I keep a two lander with no action unless I draw a land or a dude I can play, which amounted to 39 cards out of my remaining 53. I got a Fleecemane Lion on turn 3, but didn't get another land til turn 5. That was too slow and I was under too much pressure to pull out. But man those 3 Advent of the Wurms would have been sweet. Mulling may have been the right option. I don't know. 21 lands from 53 cards and two draw to hit one. I realize now that I really needed to hit my third land on time to make the rest of my hand pay off. Looking at it that way I had two pulls with odds of 21/53 (40%) and then 21/52 (40%). That feels to me like I got a 2/3 chance to make this happen, so I rolled the dice. I lost. L 0-2 (0-1)
ROUND 2: I draw my 7 and it's a one lander. I am tempted but I mull. I draw my 6 and it's a one lander. I am tempted but I mull. I draw my 5 (i'm on the draw btw) and it's a one lander. I am tempted and I keep. Guess I shoulda kept the first one. Anyways my opponent is playing UW control. He gets off a wrath early and stabilizes. Then he plunks down a Jace (RTR edition) and starts +1 ing
It felt like he shoulda +2'd Jace some but anyways. I got my dorks and I keep piling the damage on my opponent. Once I had to attack jace to prevent the blowout that his ultimate would have been. Eventually my opponent is down to 7 and drops the -2 on Jace. *** WARNING *** Why is he doing that now. I sense that he is desperate and go for it. I drop Ajani and double strike up my 4/4 Experiment One. He slams in for the win. Nice! I really had to dig deep for this one and was pretty worried for a while. But I was slowly able to drop threats and just pile in enough damage.
Game two was sweet. I was on the draw again but manage a turn 1 mystic into a turn 2 Smiter. Turn 3 I smash (18-15) then have a boon satyr and a rootborn defense. My plan is to defend wrath if he has it and satyr if he doesn't. My opponent Detention Sphere's my Smiter so I EOT out a Satyr. Next turn I smash for 5 (18-10) and hold back my Rootborn defenses. My opponent dicks around drawing cards and we repeat the same game (18-5). Then I attack the next turn for the kill and he rolls over with a hand of slow stuff. W 2-0 (1-1)
time for the next round!
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