Friday, November 8, 2013

Standard Deck Tech: Updating White Green

The day after my GW deck had a poor showing at Card Kingdom Alex Gerlock rocked a top 8 with a similar list at a SCG standard open:

Here's a link:

There are only a few differences. First: In the one drop slot he forgoes the Mystics to start the beats right away with Soldier of the Pantheon. Second: He cleaned up the two drop slot. Just 4x Voice and 4x Fleecemane. While I am underwhelmed by the Fleecemane I do think it is the best option after Voice in that slot. Finally he dropped the Ajani count to make room for GodsWilling. 

Soldier of the Pantheon Gods Willing

I honestly don't know how I feel about that. I like Ajani because he is a beast of a finisher and hoses control which is the majority of the meta. Gods Willing is good against black because it can effectively counter their removal. Perhaps having both in the deck is where you want to be to be more diverse.

As far as the sideboard go it is very similar to what I used. The only differences beside +/- one copy of a card is Polukranos and Celestial Flare.

Polukranos, World Eater Celestial Flare

I love the idea of playing Flare. Against decks with Stormbreath Dragon it is a pretty solid answer. I'm not sure about Polukranos because I usually don't have enough mana to make the Monstrous trigger more than X=2 but who knows.

As far as the mana base goes I will assume he is way more tuned than I am and I'm just going to play what did and see if I like it.

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