Saturday, March 18, 2017

Modern Masters 2017 Tokens

After a relatively laid-back approach to tokens (Gremlins and Servos... and that's about it!) Modern masters is here to inject the color of fun into our day! Especially with G/W rocking a populate theme, oh you better BELIEVE there will be tokens! We'll go through what you need and what you should want.


Modern Masters 2017: Angel Token

Using the chain-metal-bikini angel from Avacyn Restored which is a solid, if uninspired choice. If you're going to dig into your collection, allow me to recommend the Shadows over Innistrad token. Strict upgrade in all ways.

Shadows Over Innistrad: Angel Token

Beast (3/3 & 4/4)

Modern Masters 2017: Beast Token (Prescott) Modern Masters 2017: Beast Token (Donahue)

I like the classic beast token (from 2010-2014 core sets and Lorwyn before that) Good solid beast, doesn't try too hard. We also have a 4/4 beast from Zendikar, fine whatever. No other real alternatives.


Modern Masters 2017: Bird Token

The RTR bird token does perfectly serviceable work. You can choose to make it either friendlier (Zendikar, so fluffy!) or angrier (Khans)

Zendikar: Bird Token Khans of Tarkir: Bird Token


Modern Masters 2017: Centaur Token

Pretty much the only option.


Modern Masters 2017: Dragon Token

Interesting! They brought back the Shards of Alara dragon token, which makes sense given the amount they drew from Shards in general. And they need a 4/4 dragon not a classic 5/5. About the only other alternate would be a Dragons of Tarkir dragon, which also went undersized. Not really sure why his fire is green though.

Dragons of Tarkir: Dragon Token

Elemental (Voice)

Modern Masters 2017: Elemental Token

It's for a mythic so whatever. Straight reprint from Dragon's Maze for the stupid Voice of Resurgence.


Modern Masters 2017: Elephant Token

The classic elephant from Worldwake is back. There is a sweet Conspiracy elephant option as well. Otherwise that's pretty much it.

Conspiracy: Elephant Token

Giant Warrior

Modern Masters 2017: Giant Warrior Token

Interestingly there is a 5/5 *white* giant warrior token from Morningtide. Huh.


Modern Masters 2017: Goblin Token
Reprising the token from Shards (again, a theme). Personally I greatly prefer the Yeti from DtK. Many of the goblin makers do make multiples, so be sure to rock a few copies.

Dragons of Tarkir: Goblin Token

Goblin Warrior

Modern Masters 2017: Goblin Warrior Token


Modern Masters 2017: Golem Token

They reprinted New Phyrexia as that's the home of the splicers. Fair enough. Definitely sticking to the Phyrexian theme of metal spikes and tormented flesh. For alternates, you have both a Scars golem (posing dramatically in front of the lava) as well as a Theros token (which works if you gloss over the enchantment part, which I do) I like Theros the most but I'm always a sucker for the classics.
Scars of Mirrodin: Golem Token Theros: Golem Token

Ooze (x/x)

Modern Masters 2017: Ooze Token

A number of fun options here. Reprinted the RtR ooze, but I personally prefer original Innistrad sweeping through the dockyard. Rise of the Eldrazi and Shards are meh.

Innistrad: Ooze Token Rise of the Eldrazi: Ooze Token Shards of Alara: Ooze Token


Modern Masters 2017: Saproling Token (Rigney)

Much like soldiers & goblins, lots of choices for Saprolings. They went with the core-set classic. It's between that and the weird snake-plant of 10th edition. I think my saprolings need mushrooms.
2012 Core Set: Saproling Token

Soldier (W & RW)

Modern Masters 2017: Soldier Token (Villeneuve) Modern Masters 2017: Soldier Token (Palumbo)

Soldier token is obviously a staple of the set and they choose to reward us with brand new art! That's actually... really cool! I like when they use the reprints as an excuse to get some fresh art. First, great art. Second, uh, great art? Not much more to add

The R/W token is a rehash of the Boros solider from Gatecrash. Sure.

Spider (2/4)

Modern Masters 2017: Spider Token
I do appreciate the classic "2/4 Spider", bringing back memories of yore. Feel free to dig out the classic Giant Spider from the core sets. All your other official tokens are 1/2 and other deviants.


Modern Masters 2017: Spirit Token
Strong choice, pulling from the Avacyn Restored token. I think that's the strongest overall choice by a comfortable margin.


Modern Masters 2017: Wurm Token

God, I can't even look at that without thinking of Advent of the Wurm and then groaning.


Modern Masters 2017: Zombie Token

After several strong choices, I felt like they sort of punted the zombie. It's one of their go-to arts, I get it, but I think they have stronger options on the bench (Nyx, Khans, Eldritch Moon)

Journey into Nyx: Zombie Token Khans of Tarkir: Zombie Token Eldritch Moon: Zombie Token (03)

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