Sunday, March 12, 2017

Draft Report: 3-11-17

Missed a few weeks of magical cards due to travel and the such-like. But I've been listening to so much Limited Resources, surely that will compensate?!

Spoiler: no

I crack a Basker which is a pretty good bomb, though with 7 mana does demand a awful lot of ramp/Renegade Map/manadorks. Green sadly completely dries up and I bounce around taking really mediocre white cards by and large (led by the Sram's Expertise, decent enough).

I, probably incorrectly, take a Renegade Wheelsmith as enough of an excuse to try and force red/white. I got two-drops, let's see what happens. The card quality isn't great and there's no red to speak of at all.

A slight ex post facto justification of a pack 3 pick 6 Depala but it's still pretty grim.

The deck is has a decent curve, zero removal, and mediocre card quality.

I settle on 15 lands, cutting down to only one five drop. The two-drop quality is questionable, Countless Gear Renegade is not what you want to be jamming on turn 2. Basically if I don't win with a 2-3-4 curve out I'm not going to win, so I might as well try to maximize my chances of ensuring that happening.

This deck went 1-2 and probably richly deserved it. Most amusing play of the game was Nicolas getting THREE kills with his Dead Eye Harpooner: sacking an Unbridled Growth on cast, then blinking with a Felidar Guardian and then blocking and blinking AGAIN with Acrobatic Maneuver. That... that felt real bad everyone.

Draft Order

Your Hero, Jed

So with four white drafters and five red drafters, white/red was clearly not the seat to be in. What's a little baffling to me is that there was just no real strong black signals passed to me. My seat clearly should have been black/blue, and I could tell that the card quality in black/blue was decently high in picks 6-9, but I never had an "ah HA" moment that would encourage me to jump in.

God this game is hard.

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