Sunday, January 1, 2017

Draft Report: the one-eyed man 12-31-2016

Closing out the year with a draft at Gamma Ray! Sitting in a six-man pod so finding my lane will be critical. Will I succeed?!

Pack 1

There was a bunch of, well, durdle. I bounce around and green seems *kind of* open (pick 5 Seedsculptor, pick 10 Wild Wanderer seemed above curve) but there's not a lot else. I have hopes of white and blue but they dry up. The Inspired Charge pick 7 was just a flat out mistake, not sure what I was thinking really.

So I lead off pack 2 with another very uninspiring rare and take a Revoke Privileges; maybe it'll be open on the turn. Well if anything it's even more gone, green is open, and suddenly red opens up. A pick-seven Welding Sparks? I am in! I take a bit more red but nothing super inspiring.

Finally pack three I get some good luck and slam a Key to the City. It loots! It provides inevitability! I'm in. There's also a fair bit of red floating but I settle into R/G. With a blue splash.

The deck has narnam cobras for days and a bunch of half-synergies. Some artifact nonsense but that's about it for "a plan" per se. The Empyreal Voyager is in due to a total lack of three drops or fliers. Frankly, I never thought I would miss Highspire Artisan so badly.

I'm fairly happy with the splash, both those cards do decent work. But mostly it's a value-pile of cards.

Goofy draft seating

(left is up, so Scott passed to me in P1P1)

Your Hero, Jed:

So yeah, green was the right call for me with no real great option for a second color, hence the splash. I remain a bit baffled that Daniel AND Tanner went Azorius given how those were my first few picks as well, and trust me, those packs were devoid of good U/W. But such is life I suppose.

The games were very fun. Great first round against Seth where he locked me down and just punished me with the Cultivator's Caravan and the very strong combo of Chief of the Foundry and Foundry Inspector. That's a lot of cheap 2/2 servos. Game two I built on a fast start with Key to the City to finish it out, top-decking Inventor's Goggles when I needed one more point of damage to push through. In game three I had another fast start and just when he stabilized, I used Shrewd Negotiation to pull his 3/1 menace. He was a little flabberghasted when that came out of nowhere.

Game two was against Scott who assembled an interesting white/red energy deck. But it lacked some thematic coherence.

Dynavolt Tower Aethertorch RenegadeConsulate Skygate Veteran Motorist Consulate Surveillance

So energy, spells, defensive, vehicle aggro. got it. His card quality was pretty good but eventually ran out of steam and I could just pound him with vanilla bodies.

Unfortunately this meant I went up against Rob in the finals. Rob, who had black *basically* all to himself. And it showed. He had R/B aggro artifacts deck and while I took a game off of him (mostly due to his manascrew) he was just overpoweringly powerful.

With the messy draft I feel like I put together the best possible deck. Being one-eyed in the land of the blind is nice until you run into the guy with depth perception.



Key to the City
I'm not sure if there is any debate any more but holy jeebus this card is great. It loots (technically rummage I guess)  and provides inevitability. A very high proportion of my wins came from this little guy.


Empyreal Voyager
Did you know that empyreal is a synonym for heavenly? Me neither!

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