Saturday, December 17, 2016

Draft Report: When Mono isn't good, 12-17-16

Drafting at the Gamma Ray! Sadly, my phone froze up and I couldn't take picture of the draft order so we'll leap straight into the deck.

Yeah... that's all white. So SOMETHING clearly went horribly awry. What's interesting is that the card quality is actually pretty decent: Propeller Pioneer & Visionary Augmenter are all quality 4 drops, got some removal and suchlike. But you'll note that I have both halves of a gimmicky white deck. There's the flicker half:

Wispweaver Angel Ninth Bridge Patrol Aviary Mechanic

And then there's the "go-wide" half:
Glint-Sleeve Artisan Visionary Augmenter

Mind you, these work *alright* together (flicker for more servos, sacrifice a servo to boost Ninth Bridge etc.) but it's really one half of a blue/white flicker deck OR one half of a black/white go REAL wide deck. But I swear on the sacred halls of my ancestors, NOTHING flowed to me. Nothing! I did make one dramatic mistake when I took a Glint instead of an Inspired Charge. I really needed those to actually win games.

So I'll cut to the end: I went 1-2 with this deck and probably richly deserved to do so. But there were two VERY hilarious moments that made me a winner in my heart.

Hilarity #1

Facing against Chris with a durdly blue/white deck, I assembled the following combination.
Panharmonicon Visionary Augmenter Aviary Mechanic Aviary Mechanic

So for those playing along at home, I cast Aviary Mechanic and get two bounce triggers. I bounce my OTHER Mechanic and the Augmenter. I then re-cast the augementer for two triggers and get four servos. Repeat until I run out of mana. I amassed 31 servos (never drawing my sole Inspired Charge, naturally) until I could alpha-strike. I believe that's a house record.

Hilarity #2

Facing off against Peter's superior G/W deck (Verdurous Gearhulk does serious work) I amassed the following "combo"
Aviary Mechanic Aviary Mechanic Ninth Bridge Patrol Ninth Bridge Patrol

Similar to above, I flooded out having 10+ lands in play. So I would chain-cast the Aviary Mechanics bumping the Patrols each time. I got them up to about 20/20 before attacking. Sadly Peter had a sweet play where he flickered the blocking Gearhulk, granting +4/+4 to the menagerie blocking the OTHER Patrol, which was enough to kill it. Then he chumped until he could finish me in the air.


  1. Lol mono white harmonicon with no removal? xD if you had 2-3 Wardens this might have been sick!
