Game 1
I'm facing a deck that is CLEARLY vastly superior to mine. U/G emerge, and it has ALL the pieces.
Game 1 I had a mediocre hand with several four drops and three mana. I kept.. but without an early lead I rapidly fell behind to his vastly superior value plays. Game 2 I have a slick little opening hand.
That's a fast 1-2-3 with a solid combat trick to knock down their first blocker. I dump my hand, handle his two blockers and win with a topdecked Lunarch Mantle to go over the top.
Game 3.
Basically a word for word repeat of game 1 where he stabilized with his bevy of emerge creatures. I'm able to enchant a Solitary Hunter and swing in for some big hits but he gets down to 7 with a Gryff, Drownyard Explorer, and a flipped Solitary Hunter facing down my one or two blockers. I buy some time with a Heron's Grace Champion (lifelink!!).
Facing a dead board I attack with my little 2/2 flying. For whatever reason, he does not block.
Hey, that's seven damage! Whew! Sometimes you steal one.
Game 2
G/W Mirror, except one of us has good cards and one of us doesn't.
Yeah... those are his cards. He had enough to slow me down and then I didn't really have an answer for his transformed Ulvenwald Captive. One game he had both of his captives down (one transformed). I attack with an equipped Solitary Hunter and he double-blocked using the mana from his transformed to transform the other one. Mistake by team Jed.
Game 3
Facing R/G aggression. Some good aggression.
In the first match, we stall out facing against each other but he's transforming his werewolves into 5/7 monsters and I'm... well not doing that. However, I do have an ace up my sleeve:
I equip the Rider with the staff, which demands a whole lot of blocking on his part. I then drop the Woodcutter's Grit for a pretty massive blowout (wiping out three blockers) and gain a lot of life. I eventually, barely manage to win the race. Amusingly, I actually activate Delirium with my only artifact creature in the graveyard which proved to be rather important, making my Paranoid Parish Blade 4 points of first strike damage.
Match two we both mull a bit and I stay on the front foot even when he gets out his Mirrorwing Dragon. I'm able to attack into it with a developed board and my trusty Selfless spirit
Amusingly, when I cast the selfless spirit, I thought I had the Guardian of Pilgrims (which I feel is SOMEWHAT justified, given the identical art). Talk about a pleasant surprise!
In conclusion, I think my deck overperformed to eke out a 2-1. It was pretty fun and I really enjoyed being able to schedule magic on my own terms and not have to block out a 3 hours period.
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