Saturday, September 24, 2016

G/W Games. Never give up and never surrender!

Once again I'm less than stellar at capturing screenshots but I don't really think anyone cares. I mean, cares less than the rest of this blog. So I'll recap.

Game 1
I'm facing a deck that is CLEARLY vastly superior to mine. U/G emerge, and it has ALL the pieces.

Lashweed Lurker Drownyard Behemoth Wretched Gryff Wretched Gryff Wharf Infiltrator Solitary Hunter Somberwald Stag

Game 1 I had a mediocre hand with several four drops and three mana. I kept.. but without an early lead I rapidly fell behind to his vastly superior value plays. Game 2 I have a slick little opening hand.
Town Gossipmonger Quilled Wolf Paranoid Parish-Blade Woodcutter's Grit

That's a fast 1-2-3 with a solid combat trick to knock down their first blocker. I dump my hand, handle his two blockers and win with a topdecked Lunarch Mantle to go over the top.

Game 3.
Basically a word for word repeat of game 1 where he stabilized with his bevy of emerge creatures. I'm able to enchant a Solitary Hunter and swing in for some big hits but he gets down to 7 with a Gryff, Drownyard Explorer, and a flipped Solitary Hunter facing down my one or two blockers. I buy some time with a Heron's Grace Champion (lifelink!!).

Facing a dead board I attack with my little 2/2 flying. For whatever reason, he does not block.
Woodcutter's Grit Strength of Arms

Hey, that's seven damage! Whew! Sometimes you steal one.


Game 2
G/W Mirror, except one of us has good cards and one of us doesn't.
Ulvenwald Observer Ulvenwald Captive Ulvenwald Captive Choking Restraints Choking Restraints Ironclad Slayer

Yeah... those are his cards. He had enough to slow me down and then I didn't really have an answer for his transformed Ulvenwald Captive. One game he had both of his captives down (one transformed). I attack with an equipped Solitary Hunter and he double-blocked using the mana from his transformed to transform the other one. Mistake by team Jed.


Game 3
Facing R/G aggression. Some good aggression.

Vildin-Pack Outcast Conduit of Storms Solitary Hunter Hinterland Logger Mirrorwing Dragon

In the first match, we stall out facing against each other but he's transforming his werewolves into 5/7 monsters and I'm... well not doing that. However, I do have an ace up my sleeve:

Lone Rider Cultist's Staff Woodcutter's Grit

I equip the Rider with the staff, which demands a whole lot of blocking on his part. I then drop the Woodcutter's Grit for a pretty massive blowout (wiping out three blockers) and gain a lot of life. I eventually, barely manage to win the race. Amusingly, I actually activate Delirium with my only artifact creature in the graveyard which proved to be rather important, making my Paranoid Parish Blade 4 points of first strike damage.

Match two we both mull a bit and I stay on the front foot even when he gets out his Mirrorwing Dragon. I'm able to attack into it with a developed board and my trusty Selfless spirit

Selfless Spirit Guardian of Pilgrims

Amusingly, when I cast the selfless spirit, I thought I had the Guardian of Pilgrims (which I feel is SOMEWHAT justified, given the identical art). Talk about a pleasant surprise!


In conclusion, I think my deck overperformed to eke out a 2-1. It was pretty fun and I really enjoyed being able to schedule magic on my own terms and not have to block out a 3 hours period.

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