Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The hard games

Well nothing like a little overconfidence to get slapped down in a hurry. I won't lie, two mulls didn't help either. This is a test in a more exhaustive recap to see if A) it's any fun to read and B) it's any fun to put together.

Game 1

Right off the bat, we're starting with a very clear mull hand. It some ways it's nice when it's a very easy decision.

Take two is clearly more keepable. Some early game action, some control. I can work with this. Or so I think right before I get RUN OVER. Next stop, turn 4 aka the end of the curve-out stage. How do we look?

Not great. I get dinged early and he starts casting some very scary allies. Oh wait, it gets worse.

In case it's hard to read, he got out the following. Check out this murder's row of allies from game 1:

Game 2

Let's just move along shall we?  Here I draw a stronger hand.

Obviously happier with three lands in hand, but lots of early action makes this an easy keep. Sadly, my opponent keeps a hand lacking red mana and doesn't draw any while my deck does a pretty entertaining imitation of an aggro deck by rolling War Cleric, to Sky Climber to The Wall (3/3 haste is a reasonable four-drop in a way...). Victory!

Game 3 

On to the rubber match. Of course I start again with a freaking mull.
The board develops in a pretty mellow way. I'm torn because I don't want to dump TOO much (I do have my sweeper) but I also need to force him to cast his scary cards by having something resembling a presence. Eventually I draw a Wave-Wing Elemental, and seeing that as a great threat, I sweep the board.

Turn Four

Post sweep, I start dinging him pretty good with a Wave-Wing Elemental, but landfall makes it 5/6... and also vulnerable to a Smite the Monstrous. *^%. I promptly start flooding, but keep the pressure on with Awakened land and my tapper.

Unfortunately answers > no answers. I get him down to 3 before he Oblivion Strikes me tapper and then pulls a great ace: Ondu Awakening. Gaining 8 life and building another massive threat is too much for me.

Okay, so 2-1 now. I have been humbled, can I go back to winning?

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