Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hearthstone: What's the Pick

We're back with another edition of What's the Pick. This time we have a trio for you. Let's go!


  1. 1) waraxe
    the more the better. i know you already have 2x weaponsmith, 1x war axe for board control, but i WANT an early weapon. reaper may actually be better because of its closing out the game factor, but given control of the board, anything will close out a game

    2) truesilver
    this one doesn't feel that close to me. your swords of justice aren't really weapons and while harvester and venture co are both really strong, truesilver is really really strong. you will want to watch out for too many 4s in paladin. i might have looked for alternatives to the spellbreakers. with truesilver, consecration, kings blessing, plus all the dark irons and yeti you see, that slot can get clogged. (i see you went with the weapon)

    3) defender
    jeez. another 4-drop. but i don't care. the sweet thing about pally is that making a 1/1 on 2 isnt the end of the world. i find my 2-drop slot a lot lighter with uther. since people don't always kill them off because they are so terrible, i prioritize abusive sgt. (and obs dark iron) to trade up. still, this draft needs more 2s and 3s in the final third.

  2. 1) there was already a bunch in the 2 slot, I'd pick the arcanite reaper

    2) you're more than halfway through and you only have one 5 drop? get that venture co.

    3) defender of argus. you're shaping up to be low on 2 drops, but the swordsman only half counts anyways, since his power is 1.
