Monday, January 6, 2014

Arena Run

Here's the deck we drafted:

Thoughts on the deck: Our initial reaction is that this deck was pretty lame. We felt pretty weak in the 1/2 slot, a lot of them have 1 butt. The 3 slot was stacked as was the 4 slot. But the high game just wasn't there. Don't get me wrong the 5-10 drops are all solid, it just didn't feel like a winner. However the weak early drops were bolstered by the super strong 3 drop selection. The deck just sort of got there.

Thoughts on the cards:
  • explosive trap: lame, opinion is dropping. we play a very tradey game plan so profit is minimized
  • eaglehorn bow was very nice for us
  • animal companion is quickly becoming a fan favorite
  • tauren warrior was lame for us
  • defender of argus is not a 4 drop, kind of tricky to set up, but the payoff is worth it. he can just end games
  • dragonling mechanic was lame
  • venture co mercenary is really growing on us. often creatures don't survive so you don't have to deal with his downside and they probably spent 2 cards on him. if you do have to deal with his downside then you got to untap with a 7 power dude on the board. yes please!
  • the 6+ dudes are all super solid.
  • giants: i think sea giant is my favorite

Here are the game notes:

game 1 - win v druid - we played our standard game, got value from flesheating ghoul and a sweet multi shot
game 2 - win v warrior - weird game. he didn't really play much and then we dropped some beats and he left our 7/6 alone, oops
game 3 - win v warlock - we played good 2-1 and a great flesheating ghoul
game 4 - lose v shaman - he played better cards and then overwhelmed us
game 5 - win v shaman - we had a good early game so he was low on life. then we drew removal so he got board presence and then we 2-1 all over his face. and hero powered him down. the only thing that made i close was his DOOMAHMMER
game 6 - lose v mage - turns out a lot of our dudes have 1 toughness. also he had a flame strike, that was bad. but still it was super close with him at 3 and us having a 3 damage weapon. sadly he dropped two taunters and we could only spell away one of them.
game 7 - win v hunter - good early game and a really lucky mad bomber. then some 2-1s. then we stuck a golem and a highmane lion. and dropped a back breaking defender of argus between them. he rocked a core hound with haste off that 2/5 beast guy and it still didn't matter.
game 8 - win v shaman - never used his totems, he did have a fire elemental but nothing good outside of that. he did a spirit wolf which we them multishotted, brutal.
game 9 - win v shaman - dirty defender of argus on turn 6. played a turn 7 sea giant and he didn't have an answer. he did have two fire elementals and played one of them again after a panda. still crushed him super hard
game 10 - win v warrior - he had none of the good warrior cards. so we just 2-1 to death. it wasn't close at all
game 11 - win v shaman - we had it in the bag when he coined out a totem on T1. and then totemed on turn 2.
game 12 - win v rogue - pretty even. sweet defender of argus by us. then late we dropped a value sea giant and he had no answer. still very close at end.
game 13 - lose v mage - he had all the good cards. we manage to over come all three flamestrikes. and the 2 frostbolts, the water elemental, the cone of cold, polymorph, and molten giant. he was at 4 and we had 5 on the board. then he played alexstrazsa. bullshit.   side bar: sweet move where the mutishotted his 2 mirror images so our venture co could kill a boulderfist ogre. and he silenced our sun walker which we played to rebuild the board after his second flamestrike

final record: 10-3  a massive over performance of the deck in our opinion. but after we almost bead the most insane mage deck every. who knows.

Crazy Moments:

manage to win despite his back breaking Deathwing

we fought through it all but in the end the Alexstraza did us in

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