Sunday, July 24, 2016

R/B Vampires, 7/23/16 Draft

Time for the first draft of the set, also known as "I have no idea what I'm doing." So let's crack some packs and see where it takes us. Hopefully I crack some sweet mythic to help guide my draft!

But it's just like CoCo!

...I should really learn to be more specific with my wishes. What's funny is that I *did* end up taking it... as my ninth pick after it wheeled all the way around the table and there was nothing left in my colors. However, I did end up hitting back to back sweet removal in p1p1, p1p2


With that granting me confidence that red, if not open is at least worth forcing, I then groped around the dark, steamy undergrowth of the draft table and ended up in black as well. And, good news, it turned out the right lane to be in!

Leslie  R G
Colin R U
Jacob W U
Rowdy W G

Your Hero, Jed R B

Joe U G
Kyle U B
Phil W R

Hard to think of a better seat to be in for those colors. However, despite having 5 people passing black to me, the power level never quite got there. My deck (or maybe R/B in general, more on that later) felt very vanilla.

Improved dice for Pete's sake
Tapped Out summary here

Basically it played out just as it looked, with a pretty regular two-drop to three-drop to some madness shenanigans. Then either I had the opponent sufficiently back-footed where I could finish them off on the board or they stabilized and my doom was sealed. This deck is the final evolution as there were some mild changes as I progressed.

Sideboarded Out

I took this with Marshall's words of a guaranteed 2-for-1/3-for-1 ringing my ears... and it was basically uncastable in my deck. 16 lands, getting to seven mana, blech. I can see decks where this would be phenomenal (R/G ramp-werewolves, R/U spells) but this wasn't it.

I started with this in my deck looking for aggression with some other 1-drops. But really how this reads is "skip your third turn so you can trade with their 2-drop" i.e. lolbad. Maybe there's something here with a spells deck where you can keep mana up on defense or cast a spell if they don't but if you never put this in your deck, you'll be fine.

I know LR always says that aggressive decks occasionally have to defend as well but I cut this after this was a dead card in my hand two games. And games which I did lose, it wouldn't have saved me as the board state was already tilted. If I didn't have three quality red removal spells, I would have put this in for sure but it felt like my deck needed combat tricks more.


Just call him the closer! GREAT in race vs. race games, surprisingly relevant evasion where everything has 2 power and the price is right. Just one pro-tip: board out against white decks with lots of 1/1 spirits running around.

Shockingly relevant! Assuming that you're in the mid/late game and sacrificing a relatively useless 2-drop that can't attack into their board. Now it's a Siege Rhino! I probably would have played a second one.

The best possible two-drop to see. Reusable Madness trigger with a late-game evasion close out ability. Even if you're the only deck taking them (and I think you are) I would rate them very highly.


Never cast, never saw. Wanted to know if it worked without transforming (as above, 7 mana is a big ask for this deck) and will continue to wonder.

Finished 2-1, all three matches going to three games.

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