Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Marshall's U/W tempo

Marshall (of LR fame) recorded his run at his (and mine) favorite deck type: the blue/white tempo deck. It's shockingly viable in SoI with strong tempo cards as well as a mechanic (Clues) that can help provide some gas in the mid/late game. Sadly Marshall went 0-1 in an 8-4 round (grisly details here), but how he built his deck has some solid bones.

A tempo decks relies on a 2-3-4 curve out that then uses some tapping tools to keep the opponent on the back foot just long enough to finish the job. Since curving out is pretty important, you'll generally want to run 5x two drops, 5x three drops, 4x four drops. With 17 lands, that leaves 9 spell slots (plus any playable higher curve creatures) Let's break it into some pieces. All cards extremely unscientifically  ranked by desirability/priority in the deck.

Two drops


Pretty good bounty of choices. Sadly Delirium will be difficult to turn on (more on that later) but both semi-crappy commons (Fox & Homunculus) means you can fill this out late in a pack. The Illuminator is a more defensive card but the sheer power level is so high, definitely fit one in if the opportunity arises.



The three drops are a rich bounty. The Stitched Mangler is the real prize, being both a decent body and a 'trick'. Seeing those past the first few picks is a great sign that the deck (and possibly blue in general) is pretty open. Similar story for the Dauntless Cathar: solid body that comes back as an evasive creature? Sign me up! The Cathar's Companion is surprisingly solid in this deck and can be picked up late, hence it's relatively lower rating.

Assume Delirium is not happening so rate the Parish Blade as just a 3/2. The Inquisitor has a similar problem given the lack of equipment you are (presumably) running.


   Aberrant Researcher

The four drops are a little thinner on the ground. Both the Skaab and Chaplain are great cards and should be snapped up when seen. The Aberrant Researcher is more chancy. While you will have an above average compliment of instants and sorceries, assume the fail case of a 4 mana 3/2 flier. Which is... decent. Sadly the only real playable common is the Inspiring Captain. The other commons in the four slot (Ox, Drownyard Explorers, Silent Observer) are all too defensive.


Stormrider Spirit Reaper of Flight Moonsilver Silburlind Snapper

The five+ drops are... sadly lacking. 5 mana for a 3/3 flier will get the job done but not the way you want to be spending 5 mana. Most of the time a second three drop and a trick are the ideal. The Snapper IS kind of interesting but I'd have to play with it to see if it is an actual finisher. The lack of trample makes me think 'no'.

Tempo Cards


This is the payout of the deck. With the significant exception of Jace's Scrutiny, the U/W tempo deck is the only customer for the Investigate tricks. Scoop them all!!

Other Quality Contested Cards


Good removal is good; nearly every white deck loves the Boon and the Ghostly Wings is a surprisingly flexible card as well. So don't expect to see a lot of them but snap them up when you do.

The one drops are more interesting. Thraben Inspector is a no brainer. The Stern Constable is more... interesting. Excellent tempo card and might actually make Delirium happen in the deck (ease of pitching lands into the graveyard). Needs further investigation.

Delirium Variant

Almost entirely in white, there is a decent batch of cards that pays you out for going Delirium:
Topplegeist Reaper of Flight Moonsilver  

The problem is that there's no room for 'engine delirium' cards in your deck, like Vessel or the like. You're tempo too, so you actually don't WANT to put creatures in your graveyard. So now you're down to just instants and the occasional sorcery. But let's say those sweet uncommons flowed to you and you want to make it work.

First question: do you have a discard engine?


The reckless scholar is particularly a reach at the 3-drop slot, but could work if the payout is there (see above)

Diversify Card Types

  Vessel of Ephemera 

Hopefully you have some good enchantments! Note that I am DEEPLY skeptical of the two Vessels being the right choice here. 5 mana for 2x 1/1 fliers seems like the exact opposite of what a tempo deck wants to do and the Vessel of Paramnesia (milling yourself) might not be worth a card slot even if it does replace itself.


The Wicker Witch is a great way to power up (and not a TERRIBLE 3 drop). The Runaway Carriage is pure theorycraft. Heck, maybe it is a decent 4 drop for you!

Personally I think going delirium tempo wouldn't work. Tempo is all about speed and delirium is all about stalling until you get Delirium-powered items into play. The tension is too big of a gap to paper over.

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