Friday, May 13, 2016

Madness R/B Musings

Of all the decks I really don't have a grip on, the Madness decks top the list. There are a lot of moving parts and a lot of potential upsides as well. LSV in the latest LR was talking about how there are actually two black/red decks: the obvious aggro deck and the 'fallback' plan of a more controlling, card advantage.

First, let's start with the basics. What does madness get you?

Straight Card Advantage

I enjoy when reprints have wildly differing art
Normally Tormenting Voices costs you a card but if you Madness out a card, the discard cost disappears. Now this reads: 2 mana, draw two cards. We can all agree that's a sweet card.

Mana Discount

Twins of Maurer Estate
Seriously, who wouldn't run like holy hell from creepy children of the corn?
Getting a 3/5 for three is A+ on the vanilla test.

Granting Flash/Instant

Murderous Compulsion
Never say they should reprint Homelands again!
Congratulations! You just built a Doom Blade, a card so powerful we will never ever see it again in Limited.

So what are the various pieces we have to work with? Basically you need cards that say "Discard" and cards that say "Madness". Interestingly, there are two kinds of discard-cards: repeatable and one-offs.

Repeatable Engines

Secret is out on Call the Bloodline, that's a premium uncommon that nearly any control deck would be delighted to run. Ravenous Bloodseeker is also fantastic as it fits neatly in the mana curve (functioning as a two mana 3/1) while allowing a repeatable discard as needed. The rest are more unknown. Ghoulsteed can be picked up late, though bonus points for being able to be pitched into the graveyard via an early discard then brought back. Creeping Dread looks interesting, as it might be a good way for any deck to lock down. All of these (except the last two) allow instant-speed discarding, a major source of value (flashing in blockers, using opponent's end step, etc.)

One offs

Unsurprisingly the removal tops the list. Note that both the Axe & Concoction allow for instant-speed discarding. The Heir is a premier aggressive card that brings serious thunder. The Neonate is surprisingly hilarious, as a 1/1 demanding two blockers that can be turned into future cards does a surprising amount of work. The Pale Rider is demoted because it suffers a bit from being neither a card that can be cast on curve and lacking oomph if you're casting it on, say, turn five.


Much like the Delirium deck, hopefully the payout is that you can get some serious value later in the draft.


Fiery Temper Malevolent Whispers Stensia Masquerade Incorrigible Youths Twins of Maurer Estate Murderous Compulsion Gisa's Bidding  Senseless Rage Bloodmad Vampire 

Murderous Compulsion can vary on this list: the more 'curve-out, aggro, hulk-smash' you are the less value it has. Senseless Rage is actually a pretty sweet card in this deck, as being a decent trick that sticks around can end the game in a hurry for you.

Other Value Cards (aggro edition)

Voldaren Duelist Stromkirk Mentor

Goblin Heelcutter can always find a home... but this is where I putter out since I need to actually pilot this deck a few times to say anything else helpful. Here's hoping!

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