Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Our first post about D&D

So it shouldn't come as a shock to our readership that some of your bloggers are also D&D players. Therefore you probably have been clamoring for us to write a post or two about the new edition of D&D. Well today is your lucky day. You can stop filling our inbox ... Michael.

Today's post is simple. I was working out an encounter and one of the NPCs happened to be wearing plate mail. She was to stumble upon my PC who was busy searching the charred remains of a local tavern. So we needed to check the PCs passive perception (aka hearing) versus the DC of someone wearing plate mail walking down the street.

I had no clue what the DC of plate mail walking is. Does anyone know? I google several permutations of: D&D, 5th edition, plate mail, passive perception, sound, etc. And got nothing.

In the end the show must go on so I decided that hearing someone coming down the street wearing plate mail is 'easy'. Which equates to a DC of 10. Which means your passive perception always succeeds barring a poor Wisdom modifier.


1 comment:

  1. I like! Barring some sort of bizarre 'elvish plate mail' and them not trying to move less-than-ironworks volume, I think using the rule of the of 10-easy, 30-impossible is just one of those 'make it up on the spot' DM calls
