Monday, December 14, 2015

Red Alert!

Or should I say *colorless* alert! (#topical). We interrupt our regular programming of irregular posting to bring you this potentially breaking news. I dunno, maybe everyone else has been discussing this for weeks. But they have CHANGED the colorless mana symbol! Behold!

What the EFF is that?! Note how it is A) a basic land and B) goofy symbol. The curved diamond is definitely the symbol for a single colorless mana, as the expeditions in the expansion confirm nicely:

  Wooded Bastion

There are some other kind of interesting implications here. One, the Wastes are a basic land, so you can have as many as you want. Second, it appears that there are cards that care if the mana provided for it is *truly* colorless, not just mana of any particular color. For example:


If my wild, baseless conjecture is correct (and I really can't be bothered to google it), it looks like Kozilek requires 10 mana, two of which have to be colorless. So you couldn't cast this with 6 mountains and 4 forests, you'd need two "Wastes". Additional clarity from the World Breaker: its activated ability is two mana of any color and one colorless mana.

Fascinating! All in all, I like it. It's like a sixth color of mana without a sixth color. I tentatively approve.


  1. the true measure of how good something is is ... whether it is just a gimmick for one set/bloc or if it transcends and becomes evergreen. This one reeks of gimmick

    1. It might be 'gimmick' but I like having a set care if a mana is truly colorless rather than just mana of any particular color. A clever way to have a 6th mana color without actually bringing in a new symbol.

  2. just got the joke that a post about colorless mana was titled *Red* alert! lol
