Sunday, November 9, 2014

11/8 Match Recap "18 lands, on the draw, with 2 lands in hand..."

So I plunged into battle with my 4.5 color mess. A glorious mess, but a mess all the same (weird creature base, this semi-red splash etc.)

Match 1

Playing against an Abzan deck that was a little schizophrenic. The first match we both are mana screwed, sitting on two lands. The difference is that he has the following


Yeah... I'm not going to have a lot of defenses against that without being able to play a morph. So I die without even hitting him once. The second game I stabilize at about 8 life and start unveiling morphs that pound away. But the third game was the true spicy sauce. We're more or less on curve. At turn five I have a Secret Plans and two morphs against his 0/4. We keep building our boards. My fliers get targeted by his removal and we each have a preposterously large green creatures (Loxodon & Colossodon). To break the stalemate, he Rite of the Serpent my Colossodon... and I spring my trap!

So for six mana, I counter his removal and then use it against him removing his big ground threat. Instead of a one-for-one his removal becomes a zero-for-two. I now have two fliers and work him down for a straight-forward victory. Boom.


Match 2

Remember how my draft had startlingly little red? Well here's an epic tale not worth retelling. I'm facing just a loaded Jeskai deck ran by the judge running the draft. Her opening drops: 


Arc Lightning burns my morph, I call the bluff with my second morph that she eats with the Stalker and I go 18-11-4-dead. It was pretty filthy.

The second game I feel like I have a little bit of a chance. I trade early morphs and eventually stick a Hooting Mandrils with some aggressive delving. She has another Glacial Stalker pounding me but I have a Bear Punch (Savage Punch) and I'm feeling like I have a chance. Hey, you know what's great against Delve?


EFFFFF YOOOOOOOUUU. So all those creatures I exiled out of my graveyard are gone and I'm stuck. And shortly after being stuck, dead. 


Match 3

Facing a competently put together Mardu deck for my packs. Game one is a little dull. He lands one of those frigging Mantis which is actually kinda threatening. 3 damage starts to add up. I finally remove it and then he flooded out as my bangy morphs worked him down.

Game two was a lot scarier. He opens up with a Hordeling Outburst followed by a Ponyback Brigade that I'm fighting around. He's playing surprisingly passively, using some single removal (Murderous Cut & Debiliating Injury). He sticks an Ankle Shanker (the 'give everyone first strike & deathtouch guy) but I clear the board with a Duneblast. I start rebuilding and we're facing off when he casts a huuuuge Dead Drop. Who rides to my rescue?

No YOU sacrifice two creatures! Then I win.



The five color thing definitely works. It's fabulous with large removal but that won't always be available. I also wish I had more 'smaller' morphs that don't take 5 mana to flip up: Monsetary Flock etc. I also really enjoyed being on the draw. For some reason every fucking game I drew 2 lands in my opening hand and gritted my teeth to stick with it. And for every game but one, I drew out of it (16 lands in 33 remaining cards isn't the worst odds in the world)

No brainer here obviously. Taking your opponent's spells is a huge, huge blowout. Leaving six mana untapped is a bit rough obviously but it's not that bad in 5C/morph because if my opponent doesn't cast anything scary I just flip over a morph with the unspent mana.


Not a huge shock, but absolutely amazing. The morphs at 2/3 is a HUGE difference for combat math and raw card advantage is pretty dirty.

Biggest Surprise

I was low on this card because the cost deterred me and a 5-mana cantrip seemed weird. But it's pretty amazing. Moderately reliable removal and gives a card = solid. Would definitely play again.


Always seemed to cause me trouble. Good cards; bring some DDT.

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