Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hearthstone Arena - Paladin Deck 1 win

Well I just had a horrible arena run as a paladin. Here's my deck:

I got rocked. Hard. Lost 2 won 1 lost 1. I don't even know where to start. Please review the deck list and comment.


  1. argent squire is not my favorite divine guy.
    you might be a little light on twos.
    your threes are almost all very good.
    the tauren warrior and the panther are not that great for me
    double truesilver and double consecrate???
    up at the top end, booty bay, core hound, lay on hands, and wrath are kind of meh in my mind.

    I play the control classes the best and I think that is what I want from the paladin, which makes jungle panther, amani, wolf rider all so-so.

  2. argent squire - agree. can't remember what i picked him over but it was a weak pack
    two drops - i would say the owl is not a real 2 drop, so i've got 5 of them. one dude stache and i read said at least 4, so i agree 5 is probably a little light
    tauren warrior - agree, he seems a little below the curve.
    panther - i think it's fine, usually behaves more like removal. stealth is growing on em
    i was not particularly excited by the high end of the curve.

    i think you should look into the panther.
    wolf rider is certainly not premium. but hey, it's draft : )

  3. I agree that stealth guys are kind of removal, but I prefer charge for that kind of effect. the stealth means your Villian can see it coming and plan ahead a little bit to mitigate.

    For control, I'd rather have the 2/7 guy.

    Of course, I play control no matter what and have trouble living on the knife's edge that is aggro.

  4. bad cards(bodyguard, core hound, tauren, stormpike, argent)
    almost no cheap removals
    almost zero buffs
    and zero drawing mechanisms... zero man, your deck had many ways to die, or got beaten at the early game.... or dying of starvation at the late game
