Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Pirates Ahoy! 2-5-18

Okay! Okay! Brush it off and dive back in there! These cards aren't going to draft themselves you know!


I admit I was pretty proud of this draft. I don't think super low to the ground, 1-drops-ahoy is really where you want to be in this format but I think it was the deck that was handed to me. The only mistake was not taking the dual land in P3p1. There's no way that's going to wheel, and since even by then it was looking increasingly likely that I was going to try and go real lean, helping land my 1-drops would have been key.

Humph, well I admit I had higher hopes after that first round. The problem is that too many of the one-drops are just stopped stone cold by, well, anything. This deck definitely had some nutty draws (and some hilarious out-of-nowhere wins) but it needed more combat tricks and/or more Mutinies to try and blast through.

So what did we learn?


Jesus, apparently NOTHING. What a nightmare. I'm pleased that I figured out red was the open seat and got a boatload of removal (late Bombards and Unfriendly Fires) But I just could not settle on a second color, which makes me think that neither of them were open per se. So should I have been... green? I don't think a P1p5 Hunt the Weak is THAT strong of a signal, but maybe. I also find it kind of amusing that it appears that I alternated blue and black (that is, there never was a pack with both a good blue AND black card) so it made it easy for me to procrastinate.

I posted this to reddit and got some good feedback here. In hindsight, I didn't stick to my plan of 'best card available for the first 4 picks' and let myself get blinkered into grixis pirates when pack 1 should have been more green for sure.

Truthfully, it's so ugly, I don't even want to play that deck. So I won't!

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