Sunday, January 28, 2018

Channel CJed doubleheader!

It's a channel C-Jed (or Jhris, depending on your portmanteau of choice) doubleheader! Chris joined me after work for some frantic magic binging and tragic abandonment during mulligan decisions. Let's start with the drama!

That draft, well, frankly any time you end up in GW Dinos you're not usually terribly happy about it. And we weren't. I don't see any tragic mistakes. The 2/2 Helicopter Dino is secretly a RW curve-topper, and not a very good one at that. but it definitely has no place in a defensive GW. We should have taken the Knight for ramp & defense.

Knight of the Stampede Majestic Heliopterus

We veered around a little (a lot) and ended up with the deck we deserved.

So boring, we couldn't bring ourselves to play a third! Instead we recklessly plunged into another draft. Why, it was almost 10pm!

Second Draft

This... this went a LOT better. We identified black as the open color in our seat early enough to move in and get some very solid removal and value cards. Frankly, it felt fantastic. The deck also hunted quite well.

Spoiler Discussion Zone

Honestly, I'm pretty happy with how that turned out. I think it had an honest shot at 3-0 but that RU tempo deck was pretty brutal. I also thought my deck tweaks for round 2 and 3 were perfect CHRIS. We were not a real aggro deck, not without combat tricks of any sort. Slowing the deck down, utilizing the Desperate Castaways as 2/3 walls and grinding slow to Ascend was a perfectly delightful game plan. Still a midrange deck (and still capable of some dangerous starts) but emphasize the long game when my ridiculously expensive, unconditional removal can stop their threats while still letting me bash in with a 5/5 or a flyer.

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