Sunday, October 22, 2017

Same as the old boss

Let's draft!

Pack 1

Pick 1

Firecannon Blast Arcane Adaptation Walk the Plank Deathless Ancient

Not the greatest rare in the world but Walk the Plank is a sweet uncommon. Powerful, nearly unconditional removal? I'm in!

Ashes of the Abhorrent Elaborate Firecannon Unclaimed Territory Favorable Winds Jade Guardian

Wow, looks like the person to my right opened an even worse pack! All of the rares/uncommon are narrow and useless. I take the Jade guardian as a respectable 4-drop in any green deck. There wasn't even a good 2-drop!

Pick 3

Pious Interdiction
Well nothing compelling in black or green and the removal is pretty sweet.

Pick 4

Watertrap Weaver Run Aground Vampire's Zeal Queen's Agent

Good lord! A replaceable combat trick, a replaceable SIX-drop and two playable blue cards? Those our are best contenders? I think the two blue cards are the strongest cards in the pack but which one? I like them both plenty. The Watertrap Weaver is a better card in aggressive decks; the Run Aground can find a home almost anywhere. I take the latter, arguably incorrectly. Four picks, four colors. Rad. Please lord, a signal soon?

Pick 5

Imperial Aerosaur
That'll do! I think that's a perfectly saucy card at home in any deck. Pick 5 is late for something this good.

The black and the white continue to flow with some solid playables and a shocking P1p9 Vanquish the Weak. Um, really? I finish the first pack with four solid pieces of removal and some medium creatures. But I do feel good about my lane.

Pack 2

Contract Killing Legion Conquistador Paladin of the Bloodstained Seekers' Squire

Interesting choices ahoy! A second Conquistador (they get more valuable in numbers), a great 2-drop, a great 4-drop, and still more removal. Given that I don't really have great vampire payoffs (yet) I take the removal. Can't have too much removal! Rather fascinatingly, the Seekers' Squire wheels with both the Paladin and the Conquistador being taken. Makes me think black is underdrafted at the table.

Only one interesting pick left

Pack 3, Pick 7

Anointed Deacon Pious Interdiction Bishop's Soldier Dusk Legion Dreadnought

Fascinating! I do love the dreadnought (and not just because it was my original online handle) but I feel like I have really good removal and need to improve my creature base. I take the Deacon; maybe I should have taken the interdiction instead. I don't have a bunch of 1/1 token-makers which brings down the value of the Deacon somewhat. Not a ton. But somewhat.

I finish with this:

Not bad! Good defensive curve (5x 2-drops, 4x 3-drops, 3x 4-drops, 3x 5+ drops) for creatures and solid removal suite (5 counting Slash of Talons, 6 with the quasi-Maze of Ith). Looks a bit grindy, let's see how it pilots!


I drove this to a 2-1! The first game was an immediate loss to a very vicious combo
Charging Monstrosaur Charging Monstrosaur Tilonalli's Skinshifter

Yeah the skinshifter is pretty mediocre but that can be A LOT of trampling damage comingatcha. I didn't draw my answers and lost in three. The other two games were a pretty handy destruction of the 'treasure deck'
Revel in Riches
(not a win-con) and a semi-confused sultai-dinosaurs deck. So I didn't really learn a lot that I didn't already know.

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