Sunday, April 16, 2017

4/15/17 Draft Report: Going out with a bang

Last draft of Kaladesh folks! Down at ye old Gamma Ray in a 10 man pod with many of the regulars. Let's crack some packs!

P1P1 is a pretty easy Quicksmith Rebel. Reusable removal? Yes please. I get a pick 2 Narnam Renegade and generally stay in a R/G lane. A pick 6 Lifecraft Cavalry makes me think green is open, but a lot really dries up fast. Humorously, I end up with two Efficient Constructions (spit out a thopter for each artifact you cast) I know it's a bad build around but maaaaybe. Just maaaaaybe...

P2p1 is an even easier Aethersphere Harvester. I liked drafting Kaladesh a lot but I will not miss the 'duh' vehicles that go in literally any desk. I snipe a Bandar and a late Scrapper Champion but generally stay in red most of the deck. I still feel pretty nicely straddled between blue & green for my second color. I'm hoping for some fixing so I can say "both".

P3p1. Well I shouldn't be in green but opening a Verdurous Gearhulk certainly justifies it, HMMM. There is literally no green in picks 3 & 4, so I definitely somewhat misread that earlier signal. Still, I get bailed out with some late artifact creatures and gremlins.

Poor drafting (these are literally every single one of my playables) but absurdly high card quality. 10 solid artifacts, I went 16 lands with the four implements/map. Great high end and a good path to get there; feels good. I 3-0ed pretty easily (but lost to Chris in the unofficial real finals when he murdered me with a swift air force and I couldn't get an artifact to get my Quicksmith online). I did make it hard on myself, in game 1 I forgot to put in the islands (and I drew the Maverick Thopterist in my opening hand) I eked it out but was tilted the whole game. I also had a sweet moment when my first two turns consisted of dropping just 1-mana implements. Then on turn 3 I play a land, tap three artifacts, and slam in with an Enraged Giant (4/4 haste/trample).

A good way to end Kaladesh, very fun, very aggressive layout. Definitely excited for Amonkhet.

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