Thursday, October 13, 2016

MTGO Draft 10-13-16

It's draft time suckers! God I love this league where I can draft and then take a break. Let's take this from the top:

Draft Log

Pack 1

Pick 1
Fairgrounds Warden Armorcraft Judge Eliminate the Competition

Pretty uninspiring rare frankly. The Armorcraft Judge I've seen do some serious work, but it is really only home in the G/B "counters matter" deck. By contrast, Fairgrounds Warden can do work ANYWHERE. Removal is rarely the wrong choice.

Pick 2
Tezzeret's Ambition Thriving Rhino Consul's Shieldguard

Some decent creatures and a draw-three spell. I like them all but I went with the draw card.

Pick 3
Gearseeker Serpent Peema Outrider Glimmer of Genius

I had the Gearseeker Serpent in my last IRL draft and I loved that guy. The Peema Outrider is also a tremendous card. The Glimmer of Genius is great but really needs the energy deck to shine. I think it's a tie between the Peema & Serpent and I let my previous Big Blue Card tilt the scales here.

Pick 4
Wildest Dreams Tidy Conclusion
What the hell? Wildest Dreams is AMAZING. Possible signal that green is open? I take it.

Pick 5
Ornamental Courage Weldfast Wingsmith Prakhata Pillar-Bug Disappearing Act Minister of Inquiries Ceremonious Rejection

What a pile of garbage. I take some solace in that they are all blue (maybe it's open?) but that's quite a leap when many of those would be pick 11+. At best. I take the 3/3 flier as I veer towards some sort of 'artifact matters' base.

The rest of the pack is pretty unremarkable. There's a Pick 7 Gearseeker Serpent, which I snatch up. I'm a little surprised to see a Pick 10 Rush of Vitality available, and B/U is the natural home for 'artifacts matter', so I grab some black remnants.

Pack 2

Master Trinketeer Iron League Steed Malfunction

Interesting set. At this point I still only had my p1p1 white card but Master Trinketeer is VERY intriguing. Nice low-to-the-ground creature and can crank out artifacts too. I think I completely missed the Iron League Steed which maybe should have been my pick, especially how I'm still veering around for a second color. But I take the trinket. It's a rare!

Pick 2
Renegade Freighter Empyreal Voyager Propeller Pioneer

The freighter is an absolute beast, LR is wondering if it's just the best common in the set. The Voyager is great in the 'energy matters' deck... but I don't think I'm in that deck. Propeller Pioneer is also a great card but I take the Freighter.

I veer around a little, pick up a baffling P2P5 freighter (what the?) and fill out my deck with some artifacts and feel good about my curve.

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