Monday, January 25, 2016

Archetype: black red

Remember the Clue

We have an on-curve, aggressive killer that appears to care about other colorless creature. You got it boss! Looking to build a 2-3-4 CABS curve out and smash through those pesky 2/3 defenses. Let's see what we have to work with.

Two Drop


Three Drop


Four Drop


Look at all that early colorless mana requirement! This is not a splash, you're rocking colorless as a full-on, third "color". You want to have access to repeatable colorless early and often for sure. I think this will be a huge priority:

Gets you the color you need to cast it and then switches to colorless to activate abilities.

Quality Non Devoid Options


Note the tension

BFZ Targets

Like before, but here you may want to fill out your four-slot.

Beware the double red:

Normally this would be a great four drop but I think the double-red is a little more prohibitive due to the colorless requirement. Note that if you have a strong ally subtheme (and correspondingly less early colorless) then it might be an advantage.The stress point is going to be a healthy mana base while still having enough early pressure. There is an interesting tension to having enough colorless to reliably trigger the 2-3 drops but really cool cards with a double-casting cost (remember, any surge card functionally has a double-mana symbol on it). I dunno.

I drafted a TERRIBLE black red deck at my first go around. Didn't have the early pressure and any way to reliably handle their early blockers. So I just sat there and lost. So maybe don't listen to me.

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