Sunday, October 25, 2015

Decks to target in Zendikar

This is basically a transcription of the LR episode that goes over this. I mean, even more so than the normal posts we write. But by researching and cut and pasting cards helps me remember, rather than just passively listening. Their thesis (one I entirely agree with) is that Zendikar is heavy on the synergy decks. The individual card strength is pretty low; you can't just have a smooth 2-3-4 curve out and beat down. Any draft in Zendikar needs a synergistic deck where you are enabling a lot of low-power cards. This makes it a lot more important to know the archetypes, know how to get into them, and what the most important pieces are.

LR episode I'm shamelessly cribbing from can be found here:  It's #306.

White/Green/X Allies

Their favorite ally deck isn't actually red/white. It's the white/green converge deck. Couple of great converge cards on color and it allows a splash to go for sweet allies, many of them are gold. Of all the decks, this targets the Converge cards the most.

The splash also allows just snagging high quality, high power allies if they come available. Or any good cards (Clutch of Currents) that come your way. Also, Unified Front with a third color can trigger Rally 3 times. That can be hilarious with the pump allies.


How do I get into it?

Tajuru Warcaller is flat out a mythic uncommon. The blademaster looks sexier but is kind of a worse version of the Warcaller (do the math).

Core Blue Devoid Aggro 

Blue is the core devoid color, paired either with red or black. I'm yet to see a blue/green deck actually work. Blue has some of the best cards that fit in any deck, but their real secret is that they have the best ingestors (to help make processors work).


Power Cards (see these 3rd or 4th? Snap them up!)

There are a lot more processors than there are good ingestors, so prioritize accordingly.

White/Blue Pile of Cards

This deck is quite different from the rest where there is no theme or synergy. Just a pile of really good cards, with heavy emphasis on flying and removal. Evasion is surprisingly good in this format, I think there's just not a lot of really good answers.


Actually a good card?

All of these help you buy time to get 2/2-2/3-3/2 fliers powered up and online. I can testify that the rampart is an absolute beast to deal with. 6 toughness simply stops everything on the ground, even landfall triggers. I've used removal on the Rampart without a second thought and did not feel bad about it at all.

How to actually get into this deck?

Cheap to pick up later

Basically, flying and good removal is good enough to carry the day.

Black/White Lifegain

Individual cards are terrible but as an archetype it's amazing! I've seen this deck just go off and become absolutely indestructible.

What's the payoff?
The nightwatch can be absolutely absurd. They are also very very easy to pick up. But they pass the vanilla test pretty well and the fact that they fly take them from awesome to legitimate way to end the game.

Secret engine?

If hitting on all cylinders?

I played against someone who got two Retreat to Hagra in play. Stalled out and we're both topdecking; having every one of his lands read "by the way, you gain 2 life and deal 2 damage" was impossible to deal with.

How to get in?

Plus any of the payoff cards above.

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