Monday, October 13, 2014

Naming things is hard

I'll just come out and say it. I can't stand the new names for the wedges. I tried to remember when Ravnica first came out and how I felt about those names. Also for Shards of <Something really stupid that I can't remember>.

Azorius, Dimir, Rakdos, Gruul, Selesnya, Orzhov, Izzet, Golgari, Boros, and Simic

Bant, Esper, Grixis, Jund, and Naya

Mardu, Jeskai, Temur, Sultai, and Abzan

I also should mention the totally sweet wiki page I mercilessly stole images from.

These names are super important. We used to have to use dumb color shortcut jargon for the names of our decks. Like BUG or RUG or something else totally dumb. Now we have slick one word names. But can I stand saying the new ones. As I said I'm not sure if it's just because they are new.

Here are my official rankings of all 20 names.

  1. Golgari
  2. Rakdos
  3. Jund
  4. Naya
  5. Azorius (... B.I.G. lol - that's what we've always been thinking, right?)
  6. Bant
  7. Boros (serious GRRM ripoff)
  8. Simic
  9. Selesnya
  10. Izzet
  11. Temur  (town in Kahzakstan ripoff)
  12. Dimir
  13. Mardu
  14. Jeskai
  15. Grixis
  16. Orzhov
  17. Sultai
  18. Abzan
  19. Esper (serious FF ripoff)
  83. Gruul  (we all can agree this one is just horrible, I mean pronunciation? gruel? grul?)

Thoughts? Comments?

If I had more time I would run each term through a neutral google search and make a sweet xkcd style graphic. Maybe next week.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you are severely underrating Orzhov. Good solid Russian-ish name reflecting the overly legalistic judgment? I love it.

    Gruul deserves bottom of the barrel for ripping of a raid boss from World of Warcraft anyway.

    For maximum deadspin synergy, #20 should be "Getting hit by a car"
