Saturday, June 7, 2014

I'm so confused by this article I don't even know where to start

So like a faithful nerd I read Kotaku religiously. Usually they are spot on but recently the posted an article I can't fathom why it matters. Here's the link "Here's how rare hearthstone cards actually are".
I was super excited to get reading. And then they start talking about people spending money on hearthstone and trying to get legendary cards.    Say what now?
I thought they were going to talk about the drop rate of legendary cards in the Arena but nope ... they were talking about opening regular packs. I mean I enjoy opening packs as much as the next guy, but who cares? It's no big deal. (you're welcome arch*). Once you open them you never even look at the cards again.
I was hoping to hear about the chance I would open up a Ragnaros and instead I learn that I should have saved all my packs because the drop rate got better in the last month or so. Uggg. If there is one think I cannot stand it is an article that's a waste of the internet it's printed on, but then to find out I opened my packs inefficiently, super grumpy.

* clue for those who didn't see what I did there.

1 comment:

  1. i totally opened rag recently, so something like one in 115 based on science.

    I also just accumulated enough dust to craft leeroy. Who wants to play against my miracle rogue deck?
