Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Un-loved decks: Landfall

Everyone knows the sexy killing machines right now: B/W lifegain, U/R devoid, converge-y allies, U/W flier-pile. However there are other good decks that can be very sweet but they require not fighting another player for key playables. The R/G landfall agro can work but you better not be fighting your neighbor for reasonably powerful red cards as well as someone else sniping high quality, specific uncommons.

I think I accidentally discovered a secret: landfall wants to transition to allies late. Early pressure with their powered up 2-3 drops and then try to burst through with allies boosting power. Don't try and a force an expensive landfall creature and you're reducing to topdecking lands to make it happen. Snipe high value cards from underplayed color combos (mostly green) and build a solid in-your-face deck with a couple of late win conditions.