Monday, July 27, 2015

Origins Draft 7/25/15

The draft was pretty close to everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Neighbors moved into colors I was looking for and I never really put together a deck, really just had a pile of cards.

Pack 1 Pick 1


So in my defense, I didn't make it through Limited Resources Mythics & rares. I took the Scab Goliath, as I thought it was easier to fit in multiple decks. Everyone in the pod was agog that I passed the Sword of the Animist. Yet when I *did* finally listen, they gave the Sword a C+, and really only good in a ramp deck. So I don't know, I guess the pick was alright. The signals coming across were... confusing to say the least. Some good red to start out with but then that dried up. A surprisingly late Griffin (though maybe not)

Pack 2 Pick 1

Very little exciting in this pack. I snag the 2 drop because it looks like it puts on good pressure. LOTS of good black floods my way and basically... nothing else. No white, green, no red (?!), or blue even. The lack of red is particularly puzzling because it's not like I passed anything particularly delicious. It is pretty sweet to be able to draft monoblack though. Successfully wheeled the Undead Servant too. Baller.

Pack 3 Pick 1

Dual land, meh. The rest of the pack is incredibly lame and I take a 5 drop removal. Also low red (that dried up from pack 1?) Leading to several desperation picks.

(reverse the order of picks: Unholy Hunger was first, Gearcrafter second)

What ended up happening was my left tried to make blue/red artifacts work and my right was in entirely green... but was passed a turn four Mom & Dad. Needless to say, that threw him into red more or less instantaneously and hard to blame him for it. So black was a good play to in, just surprising that there was no white around, but I think that was upstream.

So here's the deck.

2 Drop


3 Drop


4 Drop


5 Drop




(10 swamp, 7 mountain)

How super uninspiring is that? Basically I look at these cards and wonder "how on early am I going to win?". I'm not going to curve out with pressure with three two drops, and one of those pretty lame. My high end is basically non-existent, the removal is fine. About the closest thing I have to a combo is stealing creatures and sacking them to my Husk (which when it happened, was pretty sweet). It's also clear that the deck design is fighting itself. Seismic Elemental is a great curve topper when you've curved out: go 2-3-4 drop, land a 4/4 with a free falter effect. That's sweet. Except there's a 0% chance of this deck curving out like that, and my four drops aren't even particularly aggressive. Read the Bones is similarly aggro-y (refill your hand) but the deck doesn't have aggro bodies. Not really. But there's also not enough control and defenses for an alternate plan. So it just sits there in no-man's land.

Match recap to come, though I have to warn you: it wasn't pretty.

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